MY BOOK OF WISDOM (Part 3 of 3)




(Wisdom From My River with Added Parables & Conversations)

by Tim DiMella (c) 2024.


This all my wisdom I freely give to you from my own life along the river.  May you find something in here that benefits you in your life.

Peace and Love,



NOTE that wherever I say Christ in the text below, I mean the Christ-Spirit or Holy Spirit in you, which is the same as your deep-seeded truth of your authentic you.


Helpful Instructions for searching this book:

{Instead of continually scrolling up and down, you can search for a Wisdom by pressing the <CTRL> key and F key at the same time wherever you are.  Then write in the word Wisdom, a space, then the number, and then the colon after the number.  Then press <Enter>.  Doing it this way, will give the wisdom in the table of contents and the wisdom in the body of the text only.  For instance, to search for Wisdom 1, write in  Wisdom 1: or even just 1: may work.} 


Table of Contents


Wisdom 1: Our Father

Wisdom 2: Receive God’s Spirit to Face a Scary World

Wisdom 3: Being Born Again in the Spirit

Wisdom 4: God Always Loves Me

Wisdom 5: True Love and False (Deceptive and Delusional) Love

Wisdom 6: Believe in the Light That Is in Yourself and One Another

Wisdom 7: Divine Direction Givers

Wisdom 8: Time to Live in the Presence

Wisdom 9: What We See Won’t Hurt Us

Wisdom 10: The Age of Innocence

Wisdom 11: Feelings

Wisdom 12: Desperate Times Do Not Call for Desperate Measures

Wisdom 13: Who I Am in the Circle of Life

Wisdom 14: Be Caring

Wisdom 15: Find Freedom through Serving

Wisdom 16: Unconditional Acceptance and Love

Wisdom 17: Working and Owning

Wisdom 18: Just Reach

Wisdom 19: Faith, Hope, and Charity

Wisdom 20: Keeping Your Sanity

Wisdom 21: Worth and Deservedness

Wisdom 22: Honesty

Wisdom 23: Forgiveness and the Depth of True Love

Wisdom 24: Living Each Moment in Confidence

Wisdom 25: Bringing Heaven to the World

Wisdom 26: Exercising Today’s Glory

Wisdom 27: Divine Provision and Progression

Wisdom 28: Recipe for Life

Wisdom 29: The Paradox of Life

Wisdom 30: Unifying God’s Children through Missionary Work

Wisdom 31: The Book of Life

Wisdom 32: The Key of Life

Wisdom 33: The Meaning of Life

Wisdom 34: The Goal of Life

Wisdom 35: Accepting Yourself the Way You Are

Wisdom 36: Discovering Your Center

Wisdom 37: Leaving a Legacy of Love

Wisdom 38: Do the Right Thing

Wisdom 39: Hope and Dreams

Wisdom 40: Being an Average Joe

Wisdom 41: I’m God’s Friend

Wisdom 42: Embracing Change

Wisdom 43: Trust

Wisdom 44: Viewing One’s Life from Above

Wisdom 45: The Weight of the World

Wisdom 46: Pearls at Work

Wisdom 47: Faith, Grace, and Devotion

Wisdom 48: Don’t Fear Being Useful

Wisdom 49: The Process of Come and Go

Wisdom 50: Women and Grace

Wisdom 51: The Greatest Wisdom

Wisdom 52: All Roads Lead to Heaven

Wisdom 53: Some Wisdom to Help Set You Free

Wisdom 54: In Your Pursuit of Reasons Why

Wisdom 55: I Am Here for You

Wisdom 56: Happiness

Wisdom 57: Duality vs. Individuality

Wisdom 58: Looking for Love in All the Wrong Places

Wisdom 59: What Is Normal?

Wisdom 60: Where There Is Love, There I Am, and so too Is My Kingdom

Wisdom 61: Am I a Deliverer, a Peacemaker?

Wisdom 62: What (Whose) Family Do I Belong To?

Wisdom 63: Believe in Your Dream

Wisdom 64: Discovering Your Purpose in Life

Wisdom 65: Love Calms All Storms

Wisdom 66: “Lighten Up”

Wisdom 67: Ask God for Help

Wisdom 68: Be in the Now and Be Nice

Wisdom 69: Your Defining Moment

Wisdom 70: Respect Is Part of Falling in Love

Wisdom 71: To Err Divine

Wisdom 72: Find God and Find You

Wisdom 73: Impressing God

Wisdom 74: The Three Truths to God

Wisdom 75: Walk Not by Sight but by Faith

Wisdom 76: Try Not to Be Perfect

Wisdom 77: Let Us Not Avoid, Deny, or Fear Life

Wisdom 78: Stay Calm and Do Not Panic

Wisdom 79: Listen Not to Undisciplined Children

Wisdom 80: Believe Too That You Can Be Intimate

Wisdom 81: The Ten Man in the Woods

Wisdom 82: Rest for the Weary

Wisdom 83: Restoring Peace in Your Kingdom

Wisdom 84: Finding the Bridge to Happiness

Wisdom 85: Staying Home

Wisdom 86: I Love You

Wisdom 87: I Mean Everything to You

Wisdom 88: Life’s Purpose

Wisdom 89: Prejudice (Innocent Before Proven Guilty)

Wisdom 90: Good-bye and Farewell

Appendix:  Added Parables & Conversations


And I dreamt of a mountain,
And caverns in which wise men were in.
Asking each of them “What is Life?”,
Each handing me something before I went back into night.
And then I found myself at train tracks looking both ways,
And I said to myself “Is it safe to cross into gray?”
And what I found was that darkness was part of light,
And lightness was part of night.
That we never know for sure,
What’s ’round the bend,
But ne’er I need to bother,
‘Cause no longer would I need to worry,

When reaching the end.

And then, I found myself in a beautiful yard.
It was pure white, fully sacred and nothing marred.
The building had many rooms; behind the center door a Great Hall,
Where many people stood and played; heavy, skinny, short, and tall.
The building was the sustenance of us all.
As I approached it, there was a guardian blocking my way,
It would not allow me to walk further, keeping me at bay.
To me, it looked angry and mean and scared me so,
I just stood there frozen without knowing, which way to go.
But forward I went, and moved it did not like a wall

And I was free to approach the Hall.



What is wisdom but your knowledge of something combined with the experience of having invested yourself in that something for a long enough period of time to discern if the truth of it matches what was advertised.  Nice definition, but it seems to lack something.  FEELING!

Wisdom without feeling is only knowledge of what you’ve experienced in the world.  But wisdom that comes from surrendering your ego is true wisdom also known as True Insight and Discernment from deep within, a.k.a. emotional intuition or empathy.  A person must trust this deep emotional intuition within if he or she is to ever reach the Third Heaven, a.k.a. fall completely in love.  There is no trust if their is no feeling.

Trust comes only from the Second Heaven.  A person can say “trust me”, but a person can only trust another person by investing and walking with another in faith.  Show me your true colors and I will accept you the way you are and devote myself towards you by that way.  If you are trustworthy, I will devote myself to you as a trustworthy person you are.  If you are a liar, I will devote myself to you as the liar you are.  The first harbor of Act in the Second Heaven is your chance to show me (Act Out) your truth.  However, it is only by first following your own spirit throughout the Kingdom on the River of Life–from the beginning of the First Heaven, through the Second Heaven, and into the Third Heaven–that you will have something to compare to when you go around again with the objective of forming a relationship with another.

Surrendering mind control and obeying (trusting) only your spirit of unconditional love within you equates to suffering.  The control valve is shut off and the emotions start pouring in.  It is these emotions that set the stage for future insight into the internal workings of humanity (people) and our Father that can only come from our spirit within borne of God’s Spirit.

So, must you be perfect or act perfectly through suffering? No, because that’s not why your are suffering.  You are suffering because your spirit needs you to feel; it needs you to suffer through.  It needs you to know that no matter how scared and suffering you are that, as long as you fully depend on it throughout, you will trust that it loves you no matter what when you are on the other side of the suffering.

Your spirit needs you to know that you are the human, and it is the spirit, and it totally accepts you human with all your imperfect messy feelings and thoughts even though it is the spirit, perfect and pure.  That no matter what happens in the world, you can always trust your spirit because it really is there, and it really does love you and accept you unconditionally.  Something you never had in an authority figure, and now you do.

As long as you strive to follow it, you’re going to wind up knowing your spirit’s broad acceptance and love for you in the end.  Not pity, but love because it has only begun to raise you or refine you for adulthood.  Someone who pities you does not devote himself to raising you as his or her equal.  It doesn’t even see you equal whatsoever.  But your spirit loves you though you are imperfect? Yes.  And in accepts you as equal and worthy of its own abilities? Yes.  That’s called deep respect, also known as true and genuine devotion, which is what a true friend ought to be.

Repeating these type of scenarios and suffering situations over and over again with your spirit in the real world is how your spirit provides you all the wisdom it has.  That’s a true friend.  Traveling with your holy spirt in this way allows you to “walk in the shoes” of Jesus himself; to experience what the apostles experienced; to after 2000 years, be there 2000 years ago.  Although the scenery may change, the feelings never do.  And this is why following your spirit throughout the 2nd Stage of adolescence is vital to finding Love.  In a nutshell, you become an empath; that is, empathetic to the people around you in the past, present, and future.  And that, my friend, is the wisdom that Jesus talks about.  It is the fruit from the Tree of Life.  That which you take with you to your Third Heaven when your Father delivers you as a confident adult to help the suffering who do not know their spirit or even know about a spirit that they have.

It’s well and good to want to provide good deeds, but if you yourself have not suffered with your own spirit in absolute faith, your deeds are disingenuous and the people you are trying to help know it, even if they stay with you because you are the only help they have.  You don’t suffer for people, you suffer yourself through the world by walking in faith of your own spirit so that you may help people overcome their suffering later on.

You are being prepared as an angel (beautiful ministering spirit) for returning to the conscious world of knowledge of God (First Heaven or First Third of the Book of Revelation), wisdom of God (Second Heaven or Second Third of the Book of Revelation), and Love that is God (Third Heaven or Final Third of the Book of Revelation) so that you can take them through the same healing river that God brought you to Him.

When you find yourself as best friends with your spirit, like being One with it, then you will depend on the feeling, the connectiveness of your spirit, through any and all things.  And intuition is that awareness or knowing your spirit so completely just by the idiosyncrasies that make up your connecting, a.k.a. your Oneness.  Following your intuition is following or obeying your spirit.  No longer does your mind need to be in control; the First Heaven has fallen or passed away.  You are of the spirit, and in a sense, immortal; that is, able to live on forever from within the depths of your soul.

A person who does not trust intuition, does not trust people period; not even him or herself.  They may only trust science or mathematical equations or empirical (laboratory) results, but not people.  And a person who does not trust others or himself, does not trust his or anyone other person’s feelings.

It is in the 2nd Stage that you are being taught in a vocational and on-the-job setting by your spirit on how to be in a trusting relationship with someone.  Those who do not walk just with their spirit and obey their spirit through all kinds of situations from phobias to desires, will never trust themselves or others.  They desire intimacy, but can never achieve intimacy, which is completeness within.  A person who trusts himself–that is, knows that he or she can absolutely rely on his or her spirit within–has no fear of trusting others.

And what is intimacy but marriage of one to one’s spirit at the point of True Love.  And how do you know that you have True Love?  When someone forgives you for what you are sure is unforgiveable, which is called unconditional acceptance, and is the key to the 2nd Stage in the Kingdom.

So then, if one cannot be intimate with himself, how can one be intimate with another?  Why marry?  This is why being married by a religious leader means nothing if both are not in True Love.  Not just loving someone, but being “in” love with someone.  The “in” is important because it means you have reached the 3rd stage that includes internal freedom and peace as a result of the completeness of the individual.

So then, can a narcissist find true love?  No, because he or she has no self-spirit feeling or emotional connection, also known as self-esteem, but only a self-spirit knowledgeable or logical connection, which doesn’t mean much.  Can a traumatized, neurotic person who feels powerless find true love?  Yes.  You can find many of them in the New Testament who followed Jesus, who was the Spirit in the flesh.  But you must obey the spirit in you through faith. 

Obeying the Bible in the legalistic perspective means nothing.  You feel nothing.  You just go through the actions to justify you in the end, but God is in the Third Stage or Heaven, and you can never get out of the First if you don’t live outside the book.  Yes, you are in the Kingdom and will remain in the Kingdom, but you will never see Heaven–on Earth anyway–if you don’t set out with your own spirit.  As for after you die, only God can say.

This is why I have always understood that where you wind up in the Kingdom before you die is where you will begin after you die.  There is no hell for you–hell is for those who love and get off on people actually suffering in the world and is what I call real SIN (Seeing Inside Nobody)–but their is no blissful heaven either if you can’t at least get past the First Heaven known as the Knowledgeable, Reasoning, or Childhood Heaven and into the Second Heaven known as the Feeling, Emotional, or Adolescent Heaven.  The Third Heaven is known as Intimacy, True Love, or Adult Heaven-on-Earth Heaven.  In Buddhism, the Third Heaven would be called Nirvana with a Remainder.  But the Third Heaven is really You (capital y).

In psychology terms, the First Heaven may be seen as the Conscious Heaven where you (ego) resides alone within the Cerebrum or Cerebellum.   The Second Heaven is the Personal Unconscious Heaven within the Limbic System where you and your spirit reside.  And the Third Heaven is the Collective Unconscious Heaven where you, your spirit, and our Father reside while on Earth in the Neo or Prefrontal Cortex.  And wisdom by the spirit in you and not by man is known as your True Conscience that lies along the path.  And that portion of the pathway or river between the First and Third Heavens is known as the Way.  Jesus said that nobody gets to the Father without going through or walking with him through the Way. 

This book highlights the secret wisdoms on the Way.  I list eighty-eight of them with some personal examples.  I hope you find strength and comfort in all of them.

I don’t expect you to see them as gospel.  By all means, test them out for yourself and discover your own unique perspective.  You may even discover more.  In this Way, you will perfect mindfulness through meditation, which is the full awareness of what is presently going on with you in your relationship with your spirit when and while communicating or communing with your spirit.


Love and Peace,



‘Tis thee O my Father,

Confused in what is real.

Lost to my wits and seeking out others,

For my soul to heal.

Following this and following that,

Searching everywhere.

And yet to no avail,

For here I reappear.

Of this place I know no mercy,

Of this place I know Nowhere.

Comfort me, my Father,

For I know not where to go.

Deliver to me your Truth,

So I will not feel alone.

Show to me your hands,

So that I may come nestle in your arms.

And make for me a bed,

As a newborn safe and warm.


Wisdom 1: Our Father

It has been my experience that it is best to believe God to be unconditional love if you believe Him and in Him. God is pure love, and His Son, Jesus, taught us, God’s children, what love is and showed us how to attain it by way of the Holy Spirit. God loves you, and He will never forsake you in His love. Only after thirty-three years did I realize that this love is what enabled me to face the world alone.

Wisdom 2: Receive God’s Spirit to Face a Scary World

It has been my experience that the real world can be scary. Seeking the Spirit within you will help you face and overcome this fear. Receive the Spirit of God and the Spirit will lead you to your Father in you. And you will be filled with the fearlessness of the Spirit, the Holy Spirit, the Spirit of Truth, the True Counselor, the Wisest Guide who takes you the wisest way to truth.

For years after my trauma when I suddenly stopped breathing at two years old, I used to have this recurring dream that I was very tiny and two women, just as tiny, were on either side of me. It was night, and we were outside this office-like building. A very tall man in white all of a sudden walked in front of me, and I left the women to follow the man. So I followed the man into the building and down a great hallway where there were many doors on either side. He opened one of the doors and a bright light shown from it. He went into the light as I approached it. I heard him speaking to someone in the light, and I no longer felt scared. But as I turned to see who it was in the light, I’d always wake up.

Later I realized this was my dream protecting me from life and, at the same time, showing me that love was out there and to that I should keep seeking it. The man in white was Jesus. The someone in the light was God my Father. The light was my fearless spirit, and the women were angels.

Wisdom 3: Being Born Again in the Spirit

It has been my experience that the Spirit is made of unconditional love. He will not allow you to remain in abusive and destructive relationships. He will give you the means to reflect the love and inner beauty you now understand. One day after confronting my own abusers, I felt this incredible spirit like it was constantly on fire and warming me from inside. I realized on that day that it was truly a gift from God and that the flame you see within yourself is a mirror of your true self. And you know that that is God shining back on you. You will energize and be energized. You will be in love and feel loved forever. You will live for happiness. You will care because you will be caring. With all my love, I felt God’s name is Wonderful.

Wisdom 4: God Always Loves Me

It has been my experience that God loves us no matter what. God, by way of His Son, Jesus Christ, has taught me that I must first believe that I am of infinite worth so that I can choose to rely on the drive and guidance from the Holy Spirit, which is His will given freely to me. Then, from that, I will be guided on the right path and begin to feel valuable and deserved. I have found that just by doing good deeds without the feeling of the love of the Holy Spirit is still just a deed and is unfulfilling.

This I learned from developing my own twelve steps with the guidance of the Holy Spirit. I studied the Bible for years until I perceived a path that Jesus-the-Man took that I too was taking as I was healing. I prayed and did what God told me to do at each step. I realized along the path that just doing what God asked me to do wasn’t enough. I had to feel His love inside me to make the deed genuine. And unfailingly, I would dig deep inside me and always find this love.

Wisdom 5: True Love and False (Deceptive and Delusional) Love

It has been my experience that there is only one thing that fulfills a person’s soul. This one thing is true love. The problem is that false love can fill a soul just as much as true love can. This is because whether it is really false love or true love within, you honestly believe it is true love. The difference is that if you are filled with false love, your mind has come to accept that love is full of misery and suffering. But false love is deceptive and not true love. If you are filled with true love, your mind has come to accept that love is joyful, endearing, and hopeful even through suffering. False love dictates that you are not endearing to God. True love dictates that you are God’s most endearing pleasure. False love keeps you dependent on the world; the way you feel is dependent upon how you think the world sees you. False love makes you think that God wants nothing to do with you because the world must accept you first before God ever could. True love is independent of the world; the way you feel is dependent upon knowing and accepting God’s unconditional love, intimacy, and grace for you and in you, regardless of how the world thinks of you or feels about you.

One day I decided that seeking my own unconditionally loving God and surrendering to Him to teach me about life and living was the only way to truly heal and feel whole again. And the point of no return in doing this was by asking for help—by confessing those secrets way down deep that I feared may come back to hurt me.

It wasn’t easy to confess. It was embarrassing, and, at the same time, I felt as if I was a failure. The question I had to ask myself was, “A failure to whom?” Who made all these rules in my head that I felt I had to live up to? I may have got many of them from others. I may have even thought that I should think like this because of how someone reacted like that to me. But the crux of it all was that it was me who stored all those rules in my own head, and it was I who was trying to live up to these delusional standards.

Wisdom 6: Believe in the Light That Is in Yourself and One Another

It has been my experience that people who truly love us want to “get” us, but many times, it is we who are afraid to give up who we are—or should I say think we are. People who truly love have surpassed exterior appearance and connect with our souls. They want to be intimate with you. If you are giving to others from the outside without having searched your own soul, they know it. And they cannot get what you have yet to give them.

At times, we are afraid to give up who we are. We think that others will take the little bit we have. But if you are not serving others in true love, you don’t know who you really are. And you probably know this because your actions and your feelings and thoughts wrestle with each other. If we can search our souls, giving ourselves up to the teachings of the Holy Spirit (the Light of God) and then act faithfully to His demands, we will soon begin to give up who we think we are and “get” who we really are.

Wisdom 7: Divine Direction Givers

It has been my experience that women in the love of the Lord, through their Holy Spirit, are divine direction givers to you and divine direction receivers from God. To seek direction from your spouse in the Lord is one of the greatest things you can ever do for yourself and your personal stability.

Wisdom 8: Time to Live in the Presence

It has been my experience that because God’s time is precious, so is yours. When you believe and have unstoppable faith that God owns time, you live in His time and in His kingdom on Earth, and then you can see miracles most days of your life. We must discern between our voices from the past and God speaking to us out of love in the present.

Wisdom 9: What We See Won’t Hurt Us

It has been my experience that God matures us by way of His Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit becomes our teacher. And as we mature, we see things in a way we haven’t seen them before. And our new sight will never hurt us but keep us safer and better off.

When I was a little boy and I was afraid, the only way I could get to sleep was to imagine myself lying in a space within a bubble with God standing on the outside of it telling all those bad things trying to get in to “Go away! My Child is sleeping.” And I not only slept, but I rested. Well, living a happy and peaceful life is pretty much like this. But now instead of God saying, “Go away! My Child is sleeping,” I’m living instead. As I matured with God, I stopped being so scared because I knew God would always be there for me.

Wisdom 10: The Age of Innocence

It has been my experience that Eden is the age of innocence. We are innocent when we are children, and especially if we were born into unloving homes, blameless in our desperation to survive.  With information and understanding of the ways and problems of the world, we leave our innocence. But through Christ and our reliance upon the Holy Spirit, we overcome the world. We strive in our true search for pure love and away from arrogance. And as we journey in this way, we come to understand that, compared to God, the older we get, the less and less we really do know and the more the child are we to Him. This brings us back into an age of innocence, obedience, and purity in which we realize that we lack nothing.

Wisdom 11: Feelings

It has been my experience that all feelings are permissible, though not always beneficial or therapeutic. But all feelings can bring us closer to God when we become accountable to them.  Going through the world in fear can set off any emotion from the very depths of ocean bottoms to the very heights of mountain tops preventing you from seeing things clearly and truthfully.  But going through the world while obeying your spirit keeps your truth at “see” level.   It has been my experience that it is best to express your emotions without allowing them to get the best of you.  This takes devotion to your spirit who will give you the wisdom to see.  And you will realize that the more you become confident in yourself, the more in control of your emotions you will be.

A person who suppresses emotion denies the purpose of the Holy Spirit, and therefore, will never truly know God; know what truly being in love is like.  And the same goes for a person who refuses to battle his or her own demons with his or her spirit within, or tries to battle them without his or her spirit.

Sometimes I feel like leaving my wife or escaping into another life that is totally peaceful. My wife and I have a wonderful relationship. We can talk to each other about everything. So I admitted this to her, and she understood. We all feel like this from time to time. But after I admitted this to her and she understood, I felt better and not guilty or ashamed anymore. She accepted me as I am, with all my doubts and feelings. Sure, if I acted on my feelings at that time I’d be in a pretty desperate situation. But because of this feeling and expressing it to someone, especially the person I was having the feeling about, I felt closer to her and more in love. I felt closer to God.

So why is this?  Because admitting your feelings keeps you on the path to becoming a true adult.  If we can deal with our feelings constructively, then we will eventually realize that those who are passive or aggressive towards us, unbeknownst to them, actually helped us caring people become loving people like my wife.  And it is this love that helps us who are less mature become true adults and, by definition, find true freedom and a greater peace.  And when we come to realize this, we too realize the miserable life those others must have, and we can become more forgiving and patient with them when finding ourselves around them in the future.

Wisdom 12: Desperate Times Do Not Call for Desperate Measures

It has been my experience that when we are desperate, we take desperate action. Pray and become patient in His time. Even His other children might be managing for you now what you are to receive later, but you will only find it in His time.

One day I was scuba diving with my buddy on a science expedition. We were about seventeen miles from shore and thirty feet under the water. Our job was to gather cement blocks thrown over the science vessel in order to build homes for marine life. As I was building these block homes, I noticed that I hadn’t seen my buddy in a while. I had a feeling that if he was lost, he might just be panicking. So I wasn’t going to panic. I just wanted to find him.

I stayed calm and did a circular sweep of the area. After each time I circled around, I went out a little farther. After several times circling around, I saw a blur in the distance. I started swimming toward it and discovered it was my buddy swimming in the opposite direction of where we were working. He had to be at least two or three hundred yards out. I was able to catch up to him and shrug his leg and wave him back. He looked pretty scared and surprised as he looked back at me. He looked panicked and disoriented. Later, he said that I saved his life because he didn’t have much air left in his tank.

I would not have stayed calm and found my buddy if I hadn’t known God’s love and empathized with my buddy’s distress. This is when I discovered that even in desperate times, staying calm is the best way out.

Wisdom 13: Who I Am in the Circle of Life

It has been my experience that God has always found us worthwhile because He had always wanted us to have Him in us. He will never give up on us. And because of this, we will continue to live on forever in Him when we have Him.

The Circle of Life is this:  I am born a church (a creation of God already complete in the knowledge of God, the wisdom of God, and the true love that is God) in my First Heaven of Childhood or personal consciousness seeking out the knowledge of God from my own spirit while I am protected and being taught about the world by the Church that bore me, then after I have obtained enough knowledge of God and am ready to seek out the wisdom of God, I leave the Church to be with my spirit in me as an adolescent acquiring wisdom (real truth) in my Second Heaven of Adolescence or personal unconscious, then after I have acquired enough wisdom, I seek out being intimate and fall in true love (Love) that is God that lives in the Third Heaven of Adulthood, a.k.a., true community or collective unconscious, a.k.a., Heaven, where everyone is in love seeing each other the same or equal, then after I have fallen in love, I am now a true community Church (a complete person; the “Who I Am”; a complete in unity of my Father, me, and my holy spirit as One; an adult), then I bear fruit (conceive) a church, not of my own, but of the community or collective unconscious, in some form, then I teach the child about the world as it seeks out the knowledge of God from its spirit, then I let go of the child when it is ready to enter its Second Heaven; a.k.a., my Heaven-on-Earth, where I am called upon only as needed, then I die and ascend to the Third Heaven, a.k.a. Heaven, and become a spirit where I am delivered from the community or collective unconscious as a ministering spirit for someone(s) aiding from within that someone(s) when needed in seeking the knowledge, wisdom, and true love (Love) that is God to be a true community Church one day bearing a church in some form.  I, as spirit, am devoted to that Church until the person of that Church dies and becomes a ministering spirit where I am again delivered to another or others when needed. 

Wisdom 14: Be Caring

It has been my experience that caring is a part of true love. Anyone who loves us will provide guidance but not fix us by asking us to do it their way. Anyone who loves us will support us and, at the same time, empower us to make our own decisions. Anyone who loves us will see the path we are taking and share with us their experiences over their similar path, but then they will allow us to make our own decisions over which path to take and allow us to pursue it. Anyone who loves us will love us unconditionally no matter what path we go down but might not be able to bear the sight of our own destruction if the path will kill us instead of leading us to love.

Assertiveness is the most caring part of unconditional love. Assertiveness says that when you need something, I’m going to stop what I’m doing and help you get it. Assertiveness says that when you want something, I will acknowledge you and call a meeting of all who are part of the decision-making process to discuss your want and if it is doable at this time for all involved. There might be some conditions that we all will have to agree upon, and most of the time, you’ll get your want in some form or in part. Sometimes the answer to your want will be a definite yes and sometimes a definite no and sometimes a maybe. If you don’t want to do it, your no is enough. It doesn’t need to be justified. If you are telling a child no, it should be accompanied with why you say no. And that should be enough. All maybes should be accompanied by an honest and deliberate attempt to provide a timely response.

Wisdom 15: Find Freedom through Serving

It has been my experience that our greatest purpose on this earth and the greatest legacy you can leave in your lifetime is to help serve someone in a purpose set forth by the Spirit in him. There are so many children and grownups who feel enslaved to the dirt inside them. Give to them your own testimony in love so that one day they can feel clean and worthy themselves.

Wisdom 16: Unconditional Acceptance and Love

It has been my experience that there are two things that appear homogeneous to what people desire: unconditional acceptance and love. Unconditional love is love from our spirit and others no matter what we do.  And “no matter what” means that we are always worthy to be listened to and be taken seriously.  People aren’t always mature enough to want to listen to what we are feeling deeply inside, but our spirit within us does because it loves us that much.

Unconditional Acceptance means accepting a person “as is”.  “As is” means “the reality of”.  The reality is that each of us is human.  To be human is to be humane.  The opposite of humane is unholy.  And unholy is “Seeing Inside Nobody (SIN)”.  And so the opposite of acceptance is, “See I told you so?”.

When you enter the harbor of Accept or Unconditional Acceptance in the Second Heaven, you begin to see the true reality of things.  Things become clearer.  You’re prejudice and expectations (make believe or fantasy of how you want to see things) ends, and you see the reality of what is.  This is because you had the courage of facing your own fears with the spirit in your own desert in the seventh harbor of Act.  It is then that you become empathetic to those around you and are able to forgive yourself and them. 

You grow the conscience of the spirit that replaces the conscience of the church.  You are able to see very clearly, so clearly in fact that a Bridge of Reality appears, and you cross over it.   At one time your fear and emotions prevented you from seeing it, but it was always there.  The Bridge didn’t appear; you became confident enough in yourself to see the Bridge and everything else for what they really are.  You’ve crossed over to the other side and into the Third and Final Heaven on Earth.

You throw away your legalistic view of the Bible text as a safety net or blanket, and see what the spirit of the Bible is trying to teach you and show you.  In other words, you’ve begin to truly grow up.  You’re beginning to become an adult.  And this is why most people and, thus, world churches are not adult.    They truly fear the unknown; what will happen to them if they face their own fears, and the embarrassment of it when they do.

They see only what they want to see and not what really is–the true suffering of the individual.  They wallow or delight in the suffering of others, as long as they do not have to suffer themselves.  Many become saints who never did have the courage to face their own fears brought about by trauma.  They go overboard in helping others, unknowingly or not realizing that they to need help psychologically.

The only thing that the spirit and God are concerned with is to end your suffering by accepting you the way you are; not by mothering you.  And when you become empathetic–become a true adult–you SIN much more infrequently until it is rare.

Again sin is not about what you saw before acceptance by the letter of the law; this is childish.  Sin is what you see after acceptance which is a lack of empathy or lack of humbleness in seeing the suffering of others from within.  God is only concerned with how humane you are which can only come by accepting yourself human that only comes from facing and seeing yourself within.  That is God’s Law–the Law of Love and Being In Love.

Following the letter of the law (following only what is written that equates to coldness, arrogance, and SIN) switches to following the spirit of the Law (following only what is not written that equates to warmth, compassion, and empathy).  From “I do it because the Bible tells me so” to “I do it because I love”.  The Bible contains Jesus’ words.  The church’s text is someone else’s view of the Bible.  You begin to depend on the spirit and not the Bible or the church’s texts until you no longer need the Bible or the texts to cling to.   That takes a great deal of courage. 

The Word (Spirit) now comes from within not without.  It’s time to write your own Book as one with the Bible.  The Bible’s true spirit (truth) has now been revealed, and you are changed (transformed) forever never able to go back into the safety net of the church’s mothering (false love).   And you see sin for what it really is–Seeing Inside Nobody.  Everything else is not of your concern or anyone else’s, and you start leaving people be.  You and your life become much simpler, freer, and peaceful.  The battle of your Adolescence (Second Heaven) is over,  and you allow yourself the room to fall in love, which is the beginning of the Third Heaven.  Then the First Heaven truly starts falling away and eventually dies out, and all that’s left is Love and Being In Love.

Wisdom 17: Working and Owning

It has been my experience that God is your employer. Take in faith that the job He offers you with all your heart is the one you need to follow and perform. Nobody owns you but the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit and nobody will set you as free either. Remain working and living within the love God gives, and you will find all the freedom you desire.

Wisdom 18: Just Reach

It has been my experience that a man is by no means perfect. But all a person has to do is reach his hand to the Lord, and He will take him into the light and into His Will that is love.

When I am feeling lost, I ask God to come to me and He does. He gives me clarity and wisdom, even if it is in just one word. And I find peace and rest. For instance, just the other day I was feeling anxious about some major changes. People I knew lost their jobs. Others had to move. I was in the middle of a critical time in a project at work. And it just happens that, in these times, I forget that I have God to go to. Then I remembered, and I asked God to come to me and give me his wisdom. He said to me over and over again, “Just rest. I have you.” My nervousness went away, and I slept like a baby that night.

Wisdom 19: Faith, Hope, and Charity

It has been my experience that love is going to where others are and building them up with the love you bring to them in servanthood (faith, hope, and charity) in the place they are. Thus, you place yourself in and become a part of their world even if it is only for a time. This is so you will know what true love really is.

Wisdom 20: Keeping Your Sanity

It has been my experience that in order to keep your sanity, keep it simple and stay grounded and you will persevere through the toughest times. Continue to be patient, kind, supportive, concerning, encouraging, merciful, truthful, protecting, trusting, and hopeful and you will find your way.

Wisdom 21: Worth and Deservedness

It has been my experience that worth is not deservedness. Deservedness is a result of earned acting and dwells within our minds. Worth is a result of being and dwells within our hearts and souls. We are all worthy as God’s children.

Wisdom 22: Honesty

It has been my experience that there is only one true way to develop a nurturing relationship with Jesus Christ. We must be accountable for all we do and all we have done. This means that we must be incredibly honest with ourselves and with others in our intentions, why we act the way we do in fear or otherwise, and why we think the way we do. If I am dishonest with others, I am dishonest with myself. And if I am dishonest with myself, I am dishonest with others.

Wisdom 23: Forgiveness and the Depth of True Love

It has been my experience that it is best to, at least once in your life, be with one you love and one you’ve forgiven as they pass. Find the legacy they leave you through the gathering of those who have come together from all over at the time of their death. Do you see that even at the time of death, they leave the legacy of life? Serve them when they need you most, and you will see the depth of true love.

In 1997, my aunt died. During that time, my family was in sorts with one another. There was a lot of in-fighting and conjecture about this and that person. Even my aunt who died had a very strained relationship with her father. But at the funeral, family came from all over, even her father. We all held hands and cried and found some kind of lasting bond. To this day, she is still a common base of conversation and love. She left a legacy of life for each one of us.

Wisdom 24: Living in Confidence

It has been my experience that logic does not substitute for faith. The more logic I place as a substitute for faith, the more control I wish to have and the longer I stay away from what God’s purpose for me is. Gain who you are by way of the Holy Spirit and come to know who you were created to be. We must come to not assume but know forthright that communicating love from our hearts counts immensely.

There is only one way we can feel and know we are unconditionally loved, and that is through acceptance by knowing, undoubtedly, that we were made human and are always supposed to be. And once we feel accepted by the spirit, only then will we devote ourselves to that spirit and become confident in who we are supposed to be.

Living-In-The-Moment is the ability to take things as they come without worry because you are so confident in You that You can handle each moment beautifully.  The old you (lower case) in the first stage of Childhood could not, but the new You (upper case denoting The Father, you, and the Spirit as one complete You) can without any suspense.

This is different than practicing mindfulness and meditation because both complement each other and both are part of the 2nd stage of Adolescence.  Meditation provides a way to clear your mind from distracting thoughts and situations to focus on and hear clearly that which you imagine to be there.  However, meditation does you a disservice if that which you are to focus on and hear clearly and imagine is not your own Spirit of Unconditional Love within.

Mindfulness then complements meditation by letting go and pay attention to your senses in the moment.  However, again mindfulness does you a disservice if you are not surrendering yourself to the Spirit of Unconditional Love in you and then act in obedience, known as Devotion, to the requests of that Spirit.

I know this because I did this for myself before I knew in detail what these were.  Both Meditation and Mindfulness must go together.  They still involve thinking that aligns your mental mind with your Spirit’s Mind.  Here you are gaining the wisdom to help you remain calm that will get you to the next third stage of falling in Love and staying there.  But you still have to think because you don’t yet fully trust.

So, Living-in-the Moment is the third stage known as Spiritual Adulthood where you live in True Love that includes absolute trust in what you know about you, the Spirit and the Father; the wisdom you gained by walking in faith with your Spirit; and the Love that you now live in for yourself and every other all the time and forever.  No longer do you even have to think about it because your trust in You is absolute.  You are free to roam wherever while fully experiencing or soaking up Life without trying.  Perhaps we should call it Life-Without-Trying rather than Living-in-the-Moment.

Wisdom 25: Bringing Heaven to the World

It has been my experience that it is our responsibility as God’s Children [Christ-Spirited] to brighten the lives of everyone around us. We do this by providing everything in our power given to us by God through our Holy Spirit, which we glimpse a little bit of heaven by. You do not need the greatest talents to send the greatest love. But it is important to know that love does not come out of obedience (you cannot draw love from a turnip), but obedience comes out of love. We need to know and feel the love of God within us first before we can serve the needs of others.  But when completed in your maturity with and by the spirit within you and you are thus married to your spirit, then you will see that God will deliver you as that heaven on earth.  This will be the time of great peace within as you and your spirit become One because heaven-on-earth is not somewhere out there to be found.  Heaven-on-Earth is You, and anything you deliver to others, in whatever form it may possess, is a gift from the Heaven that God lives in.  Your job then is to physically deliver love given to you by Love in the Spirit of Love through the spirit of your love in you.

Wisdom 26: Exercising Today’s Glory

It has been my experience that a person needs to follow Christ and thus be attentive in the present. When we know God, our time with Him is in the present and He will take care of our future as we follow Him.

Wisdom 27: Divine Provision and Progression

It has been my experience that God knows us inside and out and has provided us everything we need within our own makeup to live a healthy and happy life. Until we receive the Holy Spirit, these provisions lay hidden from our view, waiting to be energized. It is essential that they be dug up so that our own holy identity draws more and more complete to us.

Wisdom 28: Recipe for Life

It has been my experience that we cannot expect, besides it being impossible, to rely on and stay under absolute authority of another’s personal view and formula for living a healthy and spiritual life. I am speaking of personal view, not God’s omnipotence and absoluteness of authority. Because we have God, we are allowed to live holy, and the Holy Spirit is just that: holy. Whatever we do by its authority we do holy and become in oneness and perfection with Christ.

There is no one personal view that will make us complete. There is no single weight loss program. There is no single book by a spiritual earthly author. There is no single manmade anything that will get us over our woes and feelings of emptiness. There is no single person. There is no single purchase. There is no single view, period, because they don’t involve you. You cannot feel complete without being humble enough to become one of the ingredients in the mix and mess that is humanity. And then you will have your own recipe for life.

Wisdom 29: The Paradox of Life

It has been my experience that life is a paradox. It is so because God’s way and our way are opposite. When we are asked to do God’s way, we have a difficult time seeing how it possibly can work because it contradicts human nature. But it does work magnificently. This is what I know:


When you want to speak, take the time to first listen.

When you want to act, take the time to first reason.

When you want to get even, first ask yourself why the other is at odds.

When you want to leave, serve even more.

When you want to have more confidence in yourself, make greater strides to have more confidence in God and others.

When you want more control in your life, give up more control to God.

When you want to love someone else, first receive God’s love that He freely gives you.

When you want to place conditions on people, go abide by the conditions God has placed on you.

When you want to love someone, but only if they do what you want, remember that God loves you even when you do not do what He wants.

When you want to discern good from bad as an adult, place yourself in the mind frame of a child.

When you want to have more of your own time, live more in God’s time.

When you want to be fulfilled in love, humble yourself and serve others.

When you want to become a greater leader, become a greater servant.

When you want to cry for yourself, cry for someone else.

When you want someone to come over, first go and knock on their door.

When you want to seek something new but remain unchanged, let God tear down what is old so you might find what is new.

When you want to stop your life from crumbling on a weak foundation, let God continue to demolish it so He can create for you a strong foundation to build upon.

When you want to focus on the end, live the journey.

When you want to rely on people to be fulfilled, depend solely on Him.

When you want to be angry with God and leave Him, remember that God always loves you so that you will want to obey Him even greater.

When you want to run and hide, remember that God is with you wherever you are and knows already where you’re going and is here and already there at the same time.

When you want to be truly meek on the outside, first find God on the inside.

When you want a child to obey the law, trust that the child has the law within himself and allow him the freedom to find it.

When you want to be free, know your limitations and live within the boundaries God has set up for you.


Wisdom 30: Unifying God’s Children through Missionary Work

It has been my experience that life is a growing process. It is a journey. We tend to learn more about life and ourselves over time and, thus, gather insights that expand our views in loving matters. This is healthy growth. Unhealthy growth is when we fight this. We then usually wind up grumpy and unhappy people with little social skills later on.

I find that missionary work is the most valuable and most realistic way to transcend ourselves.

We must see people as unique planets we have yet visited within one great universe. In this way, we, as missionaries, can take the next step and ask permission to visit and then stay with them as guests. We must then take the next step and become friends and till the soil together. And rather than force our views on them, we must continue our friendship in love.

How many times have I had people, especially young people, wanting to proselytize to me? A whole bunch. Not one time has any one of them ever just said, “Can I help you with something?” and let me be. If you want to know what true unconditional love is, give to people what they need and let them be.

Wisdom 31: The Book of Life

It has been my experience that life is like a book. The beginning is God in heaven. The middle is the journey through life on earth. The end is God in heaven. I once believed that the journey was a series of stops and go’s. Life is easier when one realizes that the journey is just one go until we stop. It is difficult when we try to control life by stopping something only to start up something else over and over again. It is much easier to adjust ourselves to what we see coming, accept its humanity through God’s graces, and then apply what we have learned for the betterment of ourselves and others.

Wisdom 32: The Key of Life

It has been my experience that our faith in God and Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit, providing to us the purest love, is the key that opens the door to our own lives.

Wisdom #33: The Meaning of Life

It has been my experience that receiving love and communicating love is the meaning of life.

Wisdom 34: The Goal of Life

It has been my experience that to achieve oneness with the Lord and with each other by way of our Holy Spirits now and in everlasting life is our overall goal.

Wisdom 35: Accepting Yourself the Way You Are

It has been my experience that we search for who we are in our young arrogance and self-denials and wind up embracing ourselves through the Holy Spirit. Once we are fulfilled in God’s love, we transform from a heavy rock to a simple pebble. Then we are able to realize that the way we are and what we have done, are doing, and will do is simply just because of who we are.

Over and obsessive thinking is exhausting.  The more you accept yourself by becoming friends with your spirit within, the more trusting you will become, and the less worry you will have.  This is possible when you follow and obey the spirit in you.  The more trust you have in your spirit, the calmer you become and the more wisdom you gain.  This leads to confidence and eventually the question, “Why was I always so worried?”.  There is nothing you need to fear because you have the wisdom to overcome any situation as it comes.

Wisdom 36: Discovering Your Center

It has been my experience that who we are is fine with who and what we have become. We come to a proud yet humbled moment in our lives when we don’t have to prove anything to anybody else but ourselves. And we care very little if others agree with us or not. We do what makes us happy and holy, and we feel happy about it.

Wisdom 37: Leaving a Legacy of Love

It has been my experience that love is an offspring from God; thus, we are love. And because of this, we are our own legacies.

Wisdom 38: Do the Right Thing

It has been my experience that in those times when we find ourselves concerned only with ourselves, it is best to search for God and listen as He communicates His Words to us. And then we can do the right thing. When we find ourselves developing animosity toward others, be the greater servant. Do the right thing. When we want this most specific job and that greatest position, be content with a good job and a moral position. Do the right thing. When we want this thing or that thing, be content with what is useful. Do the right thing. And when we want tomorrow to come quicker, find something that adds love in our lives today. Do the right thing.

Wisdom 39: Hope and Dreams

It has been my experience that you will never be able to plan your life better than God has planned it for you. Three things matter in this world. They are faith, hope, and love. Be content with being yourself common in the now because it is there that you are perfect.

Wisdom 40: Being an Average Joe

It has been my experience that God opens the doors that develop our lives. Some doors are for saints, some doors are for leaders, and some doors are for heroes, but most doors are for the average Joe. And each of them is equally good in God’s eyes.  Those who believe in only the one world of haves and have-nots, who live in either the highs and lows, aggressive and passive,  manic and depressed, narcissistic and meek, do not fair well.  But those who are assertive, moderate, even-tempered, tolerant, loving, and accepting live a more full and happier life, and typically, a longer one as well.  They move past the immaturity of the former.  When the world starts pointing fingers at you, then you know you are on the right path, and you must continue moving forward doing what you are doing until you’ve overcome them and they believe you are too far gone.  On that day, you will have become a true adult — a confident person within yourself.

Wisdom 41: I’m God’s Friend

It has been my experience that when one has a friend in God and God chooses you as His friend, then there is no more trying to meet His expectations. My friend will die to see me become complete in love. So if it is needed, God will die for me all over again so I can become complete in His Love, and so will I for Him.

Wisdom 42: Embracing Change

It has been my experience that all changes are positive because they are opportunities for growth. In our continual need to control our surroundings, we come to fear that which we will never be able to control, and that is change. We must come to accept change, embrace change, and delight in change so that we can delight in God.

Wisdom 43: Trust

No matter what age we are or in what stage of development we are in, we revert back to our Childhood fearing that we may succumb to it, and thus, our basic instinct is to flee (run away from) or fight (attack) it when an unknown or unfamiliar event comes upon us.  How we behave emotionally through fear (unknown or unfamiliar situations) depends on if we practice adolescence by  taking pause and consulting our Spirit Of Unconditional Love (SOUL) in us during the childish stage of the event before we act or if we wish to stay a child and choose to allow our egos to go ahead of our spirit.

When you allow your ego to go ahead, you will feel yourself unacceptable (ashamed) because you will either get very angry (aggressive) or depressed (passive) or one and then the other.   When you choose to obey your spirit, you will remain calm and assertive as you turn the other cheek (stand up for yourself while staying calm in the place where you are).  And then you will find yourself acceptable (proud of yourself) afterwards.  

If as children not trying to understand our spirit within us, we would only react to our prejudices (pre-judgments) based on what worldly leaders/parents or religious zealots tell us.  If as children trying to understand our spirit within us, we were gaining only knowledge about the spirit of unconditional (true) love.  We still had to make that leap of faith to adolescence one day to see our spirit and obey it through unknown or unfamiliar situations or events in order to develop a deep trust of it because, by obeying it, you see how well you did by having faith in it.

Once we start to have a relationship with our spirit by our faith in it, Understand becomes Understanding (Empathy) in the Childhood stage or phase of dealing with the event.  We know Empathy because of the empathy that our spirit of unconditional love first showed it had for us.  Jesus did not die for our sins.  Jesus died so that we would be able to empathize with sinners (the egotistical passive-aggressive) as once we were.  And by being able to do this, we no longer needed to flee or fight every time an unknown or unfamiliar event came because what we actually feared was the passive-aggressive person or thing.  Instead, now we not only can face ourselves and them, we can actually love them.  We can love them because we too knew what it feels like to be unloved by our passive-aggressives. 

Only then will you become humbled to your spirit and become devoted (able to be refined or practice sufferance (patient endurance) over and over in several unknown situations with several unknown or unfamiliar people). And when you have practiced enough, your spirit will want to marry you.  And once married, you will have become an adult (complete or perfected person) having entered true Adulthood.

So, how do you practice grace (unconditional love) when someone is in your face?  It has been my experience that if you first trust others, they will come to trust you.  If you first serve others with a trusting heart, they will come to serve you with an equally trusting heart.  Trust a person that he or she will do the right thing, and he or she probably will.  When a person is aggressive (defensive) or passive (depressed), trust that they can reach their own self-esteem connection by instilling your spirit of unconditional love in them so that they may wind up accepting themselves a little more.  This gives them hope.  See the event as a test of your true love for others and not an attack on your ego.  The attack comes from the childish (passive-aggressive) world, but you are no longer of that world.

Wisdom 44: Viewing One’s Life from Above

It has been my experience that no one really knows what they are doing and that some people are actually behind where they started. There is a mountain we all must climb to see where we are in the scheme of things in order to proceed. It is there that you realize that everyone else is just as knowledgeable in life as you are.

Wisdom 45: The Weight of the World

It has been my experience that the entire weight of the world is not to be on any of our shoulders, only the weight of that space you occupy now.  It is wise to understand that you will become miserable and stay in misery if you are always trying to conform to the world’s so called “holy” rules that mandate fairness and equality when the world’s rules are stacked against you.  And they are by those having fun at our expense, literally and figuratively.  Having fun is much better than carrying such a burden (responsibility) upon yourself.  If there is to be a burden, then let everyone, even the rich and powerful, share that burden equally.  The immature and ignorant who have the spirit judge the world trying to convert the size of the world’s pie of unholiness into the much smaller holy piece of it.  Unknowingly, they are playing the game of the world’s deceivers so to carry as much of the world’s burden as possible.  However, the mature and wise who too have the spirit judge nothing and thus think nothing of playing within the deceivers’ outer reaches invariably realizing that the vast majority of what the so called holy and unholy world says is unholy is not unholy.  Remember, even the devil knows the true boundary between holy and unholy from once it fell, and easily controlled are those immature and cocky. 

Wisdom 46: Pearls at Work

It has been my experience that to fight to please people leads us down a slippery slope. We do not know what the future will hold, but it is in our working diligently within the journey that counts and where we can enjoy the fulfillment of each day’s work. This will leave us content, at peace, and fulfilled. And though it’s good to be generous, we need to know our limitations.

For example, I have obsessive–compulsive disorder. In the workplace and at home, I can want to fix people and be generous to a fault. I’m a hard worker, but I can also get wrapped up into wanting to go outside my mission at work and meddle in other people’s affairs. However, I’ve learned to use my OCD to find opportunities to be generous. But it is also at these times I use my twelve steps to think it through and decide whether I am being too generous and exceeding my acceptable boundaries. This would leave me without the means to live well and be happy.

Wisdom 47: Faith, Grace, and Devotion

It has been my experience that walking in faith only gets you so far and that acceptance of what is and forgiveness of what was gets you the rest of the way.  Until you realize that no matter how you behaved and feel guilty about it, you are still loved, accepted, and forgiven by your spirit in you.  This will enable you to cross the bridge of God’s Reality from the darkness of who you thought you were to the light of who you really are and into a feeling of true devotion.  Without having  been the former, you could not have experienced the latter.

Do not let your guilt turn into shame by allowing yourself to suffer intentionally.  Instead, let your guilt turn into a better you by accepting your spirit’s love and grace without question.   Turn your suffering into sufferance that is devotion.  Just remember that.  Faith by itself does not know my heart and my needs, but knowing my spirit in me turns my faith into God’s beautiful reality–me.  Only God knows my true heart and needs.  And without Him, my faith finds me empty.

Wisdom 48: Don’t Fear Being Useful

It has been my experience that serving without others receiving your communication is meaningless and communicating to those who do not want your service is wasteful. It is best and most useful to just be yourself.

Wisdom 49: The Process of Come and Go

It has been my experience that people come and go. They come into our lives, we share our souls, and then they go farther into their journeys. Remember how fortunate we are to enjoy the time we share together rather than ponder over the time when we must part.

Wisdom 50: Women and Grace

It has been my experience that a godly woman is given to men by God’s grace. Find a woman and settle down. Pray for a woman who is noble, grounded, trustworthy, and strict to her morals. Find a woman who says no more than once, and you will come to respect her. Find a woman for your emotional stability. Whatever God gives us, He gives by grace. So appreciate grace, accept grace, but never take grace for granted. Learn from her teachings. Step back and watch her motions. See how inquisitive; how thoughtful; how sometimes steady her thoughts, her sorrows, her neediness and yet her convictions, her rebellion, and yet her submissions. And yet, with a shrug of her shoulders, a droop of her head, and a glare into your eyes, you can do nothing but melt. Encircle her as the earth encircles the sun and soak in her radiance. A sincere woman to a man is like snow that falls upon a wintry tree. Her purity awakens him with only a touch.

When I was younger and wasn’t aware of God in my life, I dated a woman. All I wanted was to be her friend, but it quickly became much more. We’d have sex every day and sometimes four or five times a day. This was the only fulfilling pleasure in my life at the time. It went well with my destructive tendencies stemming from my OCD, although I didn’t know I had OCD at the time. I even cheated on her when she was away.

I kept telling myself to just fall in love with her. She was a really nice person that I wanted to be with and really get to know. But it just didn’t work that way. I couldn’t get over the physical pleasure. I regret I don’t even remember her middle name or her favorite flavor of ice cream. I don’t even know if I asked.

Then I married a woman that over the first seven years of our marriage—seven years before my thirty-third birthday—she’d say no to me four or five times a day to many of my boyish desires. We’ve been married almost 30 years.

It stems from jealousy.   A boy secretly wishes for what a girl has or is given.  How a girl is treated.  A boy wishes he could be as free as a girl.  And he can be, if he stops listening to male and female arrogant, masculine authority figures.  Rather, your spirit of unconditional love will take you there if you have the courage to follow it and obey it and not be afraid of being embarrassed.  Because if you won’t head out because you are afraid what others may think of you, then you are secretly ashamed of your spirit within you.

You must come to the point of accepting your pure spirit of God who is Love like your spirit unconditionally accepts you human.  Understand that the masculine (logic and arrogance) is in the early child stage of maturity.  The feminine (feeling and acceptance) is in the middle adolescent stage.  And the complete person (intimacy and in love) is in the final adult stage.  To be a true adult is to be confident in intimacy and confident in love, not just love but in love.  And there is no religion on earth that will help you do this because there is no religion on earth that knows the spirit as the spirit knows it.  If it were so, there would be no more religion, period.

Only those who are absolutely devoted to the spirit of unconditional love within them and not those who want to be your spirit or try to disconnect you from your spirit through gaslighting, bullying, excommunication and so forth, will find the illusive final stage that everyone secretly wants–men and women alike equally.  And the only way is to obey the spirit through the more mature feminine stage.   Those who will not will be left behind because God’s goal for you, whether you are male or female, is to bring you Home.  And thus, the male and female are equal in the sight of God and worthy of the journey.

Wisdom 51: The Greatest Wisdom

It has been my experience that the greatest wisdom is to realize that someone else might be wiser in at least one area than you. Then you will find life less of a struggle.

One day, a few years ago, my friend called me, and I met up with him. He told me that he was convinced that there was no one who could understand him or understand life better than he to help him. So I said to him, “Wouldn’t a wise person realize that there’s more than one way to solve a problem and that others may have a different perspective on things? It’s not that they are smarter or wiser than you. It’s just that they may have a different way of looking at it. Wouldn’t a wise man at least ask?” My friend thought about it for a while and said, “Yes, a wise man would ask.”

So he told me that he would seek out his old therapist just to discover her perspective on life. A year later, my friend called me up and said, “I just wanted to let you know that the week before we talked, I decided I was going to kill myself. But your words helped me do otherwise.” This shocked me, but I can say that my friend is a happy person today with a job he loves and a gift that he loves providing to others.

Wisdom 52: All Roads Lead to Heaven

It has been my experience that it is better to find a longer route that is calm and free for worship than to force yourself to accept the shortest route that is ridden with fear and constant misery. There is no guarantee that the shortest route will get you there quicker, but both the longer route and the shorter route lead to the same place. Do not be ashamed to take the longer one, but instead embrace what it has to offer along the way.

Wisdom 53: Some Wisdom to Help Set You Free

It has been my experience that a virtuous person can help set another person free. And a person who doesn’t see the importance of acquiring virtue will make it important enough to try to use it against you.  Here is some wisdom to help set you free.

The most useful thing to do … ……..Act 
The greatest Joy………………….. ……..Giving 
The most satisfying work…………. …Helping others 
The most endangered species……………….Respected leaders 
The greatest “shot in the arm”………………Encouragement

The greatest problem to overcome……… ….Fear
The most effective sleeping pill……….. …Peace of mind 
The most powerful force in life………….. ……..Love 
The deadliest weapon…. The tongue 
The two most power-filled words……………”I Will” 
The greatest asset………….. …Faith 
The most prized possession…………….Integrity 

Wisdom 54: In Your Pursuit of Reasons Why

It has been my experience that in our pursuit of reasons why, belief turns into hope, hope into faith, faith into humility, and humility into love that ends our pursuit.

Wisdom 55: I Am Here for You

It has been my experience that Jesus is the light of the world. Whoever follows Him will never walk in darkness but will have the light of life. If you believe in Him, He will give you hope. If you walk with Him, He will help you persevere. If you learn from Him, He will reveal to you who you truly are. If you give yourself to Him, He will show you where you belong. If you praise Him, He will set you free. And if you adore Him, He will be your peace forever.

Wisdom 56: Happiness

It has been my experience that happiness comes from hearing and obeying God.  There is a difference between the Spirit of the law and the Letter of the law.  A person who only sees the letter of the law will be tempted to disobey it.  This leads to unhappiness.  A person must understand the spirit of why the law was created to want to obey it.

For instance, the letter of the law for a stop sign is that you must stop at this stop sign, period bottom-line.  People tend to get aggravated when others try to tell them what to do.  These people will most likely, at least from time to time, not stop completely at the stop sign.  But when the same people realize that someone loved them enough to place a stop sign there so that they would be safe, then aggravation turns into a thankful heart.  People will then be more apt to obey the law, which leads to happiness.

Wisdom 57: Duality vs. Individuality

It has been my experience that the world is in constant duality (dueling), needing a protagonist and antagonist, good versus evil, mano y mano, man versus nature, man versus himself, right versus wrong. And then there is heaven. Where there is love, there is God, and united is His kingdom.

Wisdom 58: Looking for Love in All the Wrong Places

It has been my experience that there are people who are incapable of giving you the love you desire. Only God has the power to change them.

There was an instance in my life when I was young and had a girlfriend. We were thinking about getting married. She belonged to this religion and I didn’t. So not really thinking anything of it because a church is supposed to be love no matter what, I went to classes with her and became confirmed in that religion. As time went by, I noticed that I couldn’t find much unconditional love in this religion and decided not to identify myself with it. Later when I wanted to make friends and reconcile through my own unconditional love for them, the church said that they would pray for me because I was in mortal sin. And until I did these deeds to get back into the church’s good graces and remarry my now wife within the religion, I would stay in mortal sin.

Needless to say, I found and still find no unconditional love from that church. They had been around for centuries and still are adult-children, with dogmas and traditions passed on from generation to generation without ever seeing the big picture. I came to them in love wanting them to join me in love. But to them, in their own words, “My love was not that of God, but of something else.” This was definitely a wrong place to find love. I have nothing against traditional religion, but I actually continue to find more unconditional love from people outside traditional religion.  It has been my experience that the one and only true sin is choosing to See Inside Nobody.

Wisdom 59: What Is Normal?

It has been my experience that it is normal for a person, from birth to death, to grow in direct intimacy with God. It is abnormal (abusively normal) to place a human in the way.

Wisdom 60: Where There Is Love, There I Am and so too Is My Kingdom

It has been my experience that if we believe that the Law of Love transcends all law, then our choice is made clear which one to follow. And it is best to pray for those who will not listen rather than stay with them for eternity.

Remember that staff sergeant I eventually had to confront? I talked with him after I came back from my recovery in the clinic, but I knew I couldn’t work under him for my own peace of mind. My immediate supervisor was kind enough to transfer me to another shift. Many years later I found out that the Staff Sergeant had severe mental problems and was forced into an in-patient mental health facility by the military. Whether it was Post Traumatic Stress Disorder or another illness, I knew something just wasn’t right even back then.

Wisdom 61: Am I a Deliverer, a Peacemaker?

It has been my experience that people will unify if their common goal is peace. There is always an opportunity to love and pour out positive energy to people each day to promote this goal.

Wisdom 62: What (Whose) Family Do I Belong To?

It has been my experience that a family is virtuous because it does not fear transcending law in the name of intimacy and unconditional love. A virtuous family understands that a new creation evolves over time in a process of faith and grace to which a loving, gentle, and compassionate person comes forth not through demands, not through intimidation, not through anything instantaneous nor correction of any kind but through a process of faith accompanied by mercy and in working hard with God in such faith. Yes, a virtuous family is one who works hard at their love with God’s constant and unconditional love and merciful grace.

Wisdom 63: Believe in Your Dream

It has been my experience that the love you dream of is actually you. May you follow God and realize your dream.

Wisdom 64: Discovering Your Purpose in Life

It has been my experience that when you love someone greater than yourself, you don’t mind changing (sacrificing) your ways so that you can be in the right disposition to be there for her when she needs your help.

When God started to teach me what I should have been taught in childhood, I realized what a true man was. A true man is someone who is not afraid to find love, be loved, and to love. He is someone who seeks stability for his family. He creates peace within himself so that he can be there for others going through hard times as a calm and supporting force.

For the first seven years of my marriage, I didn’t know if I loved my wife or not. I didn’t really even think about it much. But when hard times hit, I heard a voice in me saying to follow it and detach from my current ways of doing things. I left everything and lived just with God until He was done disciplining me in what love was. After a few months, I felt love and went back to my wife. And from that time on, I’ve always done whatever it takes to be the most stable person I can be in order to be there for her as a calming and supportive presence.

Wisdom 65: Love Calms All Storms

It has been my experience that people are usually stubborn and emotional because nobody has truly ever listened to them. Ask those who are stubborn to teach you what they know and you will usually have a friend for life.

Wisdom 66: “Lighten Up”

It has been my experience that, even if the world thinks you’re silly and an outcast, the Spirit in you says, “Lighten up and go find who you are. If you knew me, you’d be able to stand yourself.” What I have found out to be important is letting people be as they are. There has come only one Savior, and my purpose is to follow him and not fall in the trap of others who continue to go through life reaching for that elusive carrot.

Wisdom 67: Ask God for Help

It has been my experience that God allows us to see what is available to us. If you can’t find the traditional materials to build a traditional bridge, build a non-traditional bridge. The goal still remains to get to the other side. We must always be striving to meet our goal by consciously being aware of traditional and non-traditional means with the courage to pursue both.

Wisdom 68: Be in the Now and Be Nice

It has been my experience that you don’t need anything else but what you have and are doing now. And you will be happy if you are nice when you do it. Just be a nice person.

Wisdom 69: Your Defining Moment

It has been my experience that every day, you have defining moments. And sometimes you have really big defining moments. If you bump into someone coming out when you are going in, collect yourself in God’s calming presence. Always go away with who you are.  Define each defining moment by your defining presence.

Wisdom 70: Respect Is Part of Falling in Love

It has been my experience that only by understanding the genuine person will we be able to feel a respect for them down deep. Where understanding is a connection of each other’s minds, trust and respect is a connection of each other’s hearts, and love is a connection of each other’s souls.

Wisdom 71: To Err Divine

It has been my experience that the best things in life come from human error. It is from this human error that if we sit patiently enough and trust that it is all part of God’s plan, we can learn and then experience (understand more) the greatness of God. It is because of human error and our trust in Him that we are able to love Him even more. From error comes glory when we rely on our Father and His true and unconditional love for us. We are sanctified but not afraid to err to know Him even more deeply.

Wisdom 72: Find God and Find You

It has been my experience that an adult-child never believes himself worthy enough to know God. He doesn’t think himself worthy enough for God to be within him and embody him. However, a true adult allows himself to acknowledge Jesus to help him find God and thus come into his own.

Wisdom 73: Impressing God

It has been my experience that God only needs what He asks you for and no more. God and a woman came to the shore of a great ocean, and God told the woman, “My child, go find us a canoe.” The woman looked a little bewildered but said, “Yes, God,” and off she went. In a little while, she came upon a canoe and said to herself, This canoe is okay, but if I got God a ship, how glorious that would be! God deserves a ship, not a canoe. So she went off and searched for a ship to bring God.

Three years later, God looked over the horizon and saw a ship coming his way. And as it drew closer, God saw the woman sail the ship and anchor it offshore. When the woman stepped on shore, she approached God in all gladness and also all bruised, broken, out of breath, her knees wobbling and arms dangling at her side. “For you, God. Here is your ship you so richly deserve! And now we can traverse the ocean in comfort and style and ease.” Exhausted, the woman then fell to her knees before God.

God said to the woman, “My child, you didn’t need to go through all that trouble. I needed the canoe I asked for so we could go down this small river over here to get to the ship you brought me.”

Wisdom 74: The Three Truths to God

It has been my experience that the first and greatest truth is that God is the Creator of you. The second greatest truth is that God is in you. And the third greatest truth is that God is for you. Knowing these three truths lets us know that we were created to belong, and are never alone. God did not create us to be alone. We might feel alone only because we haven’t traveled with our Father yet, but we’re not alone. Only the lies we believe about ourselves and the life we’re leading keep us alone in our view.

Wisdom 75: Walk Not by Sight but by Faith

It has been my experience that if you only walk by what you see, you can come up with every excuse in the book to stop from going on, especially if what you see ahead is dark and full of fear. Walking by faith means that nothing is too difficult to go through because you have the Spirit always with you, guiding you and lighting the way.

Wisdom 76: Try Not to Be Perfect

It has been my experience that God does not need us perfect; He needs us human. If we understand that God needs us human and we allow ourselves to be human, then we’ll be okay with us and everyone around us being human too. It is then that we know we can succeed at whatever we set out to accomplish.

Wisdom 77: Let Us Not Avoid, Deny, or Fear Life

It has been my experience that there are both caring and uncaring people in the world. We belong in a world that is caring, a world that includes all of God’s creations, and a world that is empowering and loving. Don’t avoid it. Seek it and find it by taking a walk inside yourself.

There are three heavens in this Kingdom of ours.

As a Child:  The first is that having a mind of a child where you imagine or fear the real world.

As an Adolescent:  The second is that having a mind of an adolescent where you experience the real world in fear.

As an Adult:  And the third is that of an adult where you are wise to the real world and have overcome (no longer fear) it.  As an adult, you then bear fruit (your wisdom) to the world through a child where you become a parent or through some other form or fashion where you become a teacher.

As a Parent or Teacher:  The first is where you teach the children about the real world so that they may understand and prepare for it. 

As a Parent:  The second is where you go through the real world with the children allowing them to face their fears and expectations without punishment or smothering.  It is then that, like God with you, you accept the entire child as truly human (good with the bad, perfect with the imperfect, sinless with the sinful).  And then afterwards, devote your time to raising the children in all areas of the real world for them to become wise to the world’s ways.

As a Friend:  And the third is where your spirit and your once child become friends as adults.  It is here you let go and live in greater peace doing whatever you want and providing wisdom here and there when asked.

As a Spirit:  And finally you live in full peace.  Whatever type spirit you become, it will be for the benefit of God’s children and creatures.

But none of the above is possible or truthful if you do not have an unconditionally loving spirit on the inside and demand it in others on the outside.  For the weak (fearful) will know how strong they are [by following their own spirit] and the strong (arrogant) will know how truly weak they are [by cowering before it].

Wisdom 78: Stay Calm and Do Not Panic

It has been my experience that when we place ourselves in a situation that we are not supposed to be in, we start panicking. And afterward, we feel embarrassed and ashamed of ourselves. So we can either hide the truth, or face and surrender the truth. I have found it best to see this as an immediate opportunity to breathe, stay calm, and perform the latter. There is nothing to be ashamed of when you tell the truth. People are supposed to love you unconditionally and forgive you, as you would do them.

Wisdom 79: Listen Not to Undisciplined Children

It has been my experience that a child—even an adult who still thinks like a child—needs discipline (wisdom) so that he will stay on the path of grace. But too harsh the discipline, and he won’t trust grace. And so he won’t trust life. He believes grace is only a trick for someone to get something else later down the road. And he believes that life is really just out to get him any way it can. Too light the discipline, and he never thinks he needs grace. This is why discipline must be loving, and part of being loving is being stern (assertive and not aggressive).

Wisdom 80: Believe Too That You Can Be Intimate

It has been my experience that intimacy (falling in love and having someone fall in love with you) is what everyone yearns for, but most are too afraid to gain or show it. It doesn’t matter how smart you are or how religious you are. What matters is how much you want to change by way of the Spirit. In other words, what matters is if you have the courage to fall in love. Remember that God is love. God is the Spirit of love. So when you fall in love, you’ve become intimate with God. And anyone can gain the power (esteem) to fall in love. This is why God gave us a loving Christ (Spirit).

Wisdom 81: The Ten Man in the Woods

It has been my experience that these ten principles will help get you where you want to be in life, as a man or woman of God.


Know that God is your true Father.

Know that your Father is in you.

Know that you are beautiful to Him.

Allow your Father to comfort you.

Allow yourself to follow Him.

Allow yourself to connect with Him.

Always tell God the truth, even if you find it hard.

Allow God to restore you from you.

Always talk with God on how you feel.

Always know that God will respond to you kindly and lovingly.


Wisdom 82: Rest for the Weary

It has been my experience that life is really not that hard. What’s hard is having the faith to keep it simple, to live within your own means, and to relax. People who are suffering have a hard time in life, especially in times of hunger, anger, loneliness, tiredness, and boredom. These states bring about a lot of anxiety and desperation and give no rest for the weary. So when you are hungry, eat. Don’t worry about how fat you’ll become. When you are angry, talk. Don’t worry about who will ever believe you. When you are lonely, share. Don’t worry if no one else wants to. When you are tired, rest, even if others think you are lazy. And if you are bored, sit. Eventually, something will come to you. If you can be confident in doing this while knowing that God is still in love with you, you will have led a wonderful life.

Wisdom 83: Restoring Peace in Your Kingdom

It has been my experience that God disciplines us to help us define our boundaries and then helps us adhere to them for our own good. Once we define our boundaries, we start feeling more in control of our lives. God is a free-giving God. He wants us to grow up so that one day, we will, voluntarily and without fear, leave the nest. He wants us to feel free and live our own lives within heaven on earth. But first, we need to be disciplined within the boundary of the kingdom so that one day, we will be safe and secure in who we are. We need to understand our boundaries so that we can be decisive and decrease our stress. Jesus said to let your yes be yes and your no be no. In fact, really everything is no until we say yes.

Wisdom 84: Finding the Bridge to Happiness

It has been my experience that God makes me happy. Some of the secret wisdom I learned was to accept that which I cannot change, and this loosened me from my bondage. I gave up trying to fix other people. We try to fix people so that our own lives can be comforted again. Fixing is only an illusion of love. It really is a form of selfishness or selfdom rather than kingdom. By accepting this reality, I could breathe again, and I moved on, crossing my own personal bridge over into a world that was filled with peace and joy, His Spirit, and the glory of His love.

Wisdom 85: Staying Home

It has been my experience that once you realize that you will miss nothing on the outside and nothing on the outside will give you nearly as much satisfaction as what you have on the inside, you will always feel at home. Everything you need and desire will be given to you, just as God provided everything to Adam. God even brought to him the animals. Let God deal with whatever is out there. Anything “out there” is not yours anyhow. And once you are okay with that, you will know what it means to feel whole and complete and live free and in peace.

In the first seven years of my marriage, my wife and I moved five times from state to state, and we were about to move again. Finally my wife said to me, “You must promise me that our next move we’ll stay at least two years.” We wound up staying five years because it was during this time I heard God and heeded His voice to begin growing up. We moved only because I lost my job due to 9/11. And now I have a very stable job and stable family life with several friends and loved ones where I live. We’ve been here 17 years and married 28 years and going. So believe me when I say that there is nothing out there. All we do is run from ourselves when we don’t know where and who we are.

Wisdom 86: I Love You

It has been my experience that there almost always comes a time in our lives when we come to the crossroads and say to ourselves that things just aren’t working out. It is here that the wise will usually ask themselves, What beliefs have I emphatically accepted in the past as truthful, and where did these beliefs come from, man or God? This is the beginning of loving ourselves.

Wisdom 87: I Mean Everything to You

It has been my experience that when God is and means everything to you—the beginning and the end and everything in between—you have a true friend in you. You are free to conceive and deliver ways to love others and yourself and be friends (build a home) without worry (fear) of rejection or condemnation. Your way of loving comes from the heart—from the Spirit of real love—and it can never be wrong. It is infallible. The kind of love you give with your Spirit within you is absolutely permissible and undeniably perfect. You have become perfected– a complete person, true, authentic, congruent, in harmony, filled, solidified, at home, and happy-in-peace.

Wisdom 88: Life’s Purpose

The purpose of life is to Give Life.  As a completed person (God, You, and Spirit intimately One), the only purpose or motivation in life left is to Give Life (Bear Fruit) to others in the Spirit of Unconditional (True) Love either physically by way of True Love-Making for Creating a New Life into Existence, mentally by way of Understanding through Actively Communicating with Another, and/or emotionally by way of Accepting Someone for Who She or He Is because you too experienced face-to-face the time you were vindicated by God’s spirit who lives in you.  We who are complete are the leaves of the Tree that bear fruit; that Tree that is filled with Truth, Wisdom, and most of all, the kind of Love that find absolute fulfillment in giving Life to others.  We use our own gifts to give to others unconditionally (freely without any ulterior motives like wanting to validate ourselves or asking for anything in return).

Wisdom 89: Prejudice (Innocent Before Proven Guilty)

Always give people the benefit of the doubt until there is no doubt based on fact.  This means not prejudging (not being prejudiced) of someone because of where one has come from even though the place in the time one was at that place appeared less than honorable or trustworthy.  This is the same when Jesus, in his later years, went home to try to help people, and they were prejudiced against him for how he was when he was younger.  Do not shut him or her out, but use wisdom before you can trust.  A person is usually in a psychological prison (still in the world) after he or she is released from prison to only be caught back up in the world.

Wisdom 90: Good-bye and Farewell

It has been my experience that sometimes letting go is the best thing you can do for another human being. Good-bye and farewell, my friend.


APPENDIX:  Added Parables & Conversations


Parable of the Seeker

There was a child whose father came,

To ask him a question all the same.

Son, he said,

I’m going to give you three ways to choose.

Choose well on what to do.

You can avoid life and live on a cloud.

You can judge life and be very proud.

Or you can enter life and walk with the crowd.

First of all, which is better? the father asked.

I’m not sure, the son gasped.

Then go,

Try them all and let me know.

So, the son went away,

And then one day,

He came to his father,

With something to say.

Father, I have experienced them one and all,

But neither is better than the other at all.

I have tried to escape, but it’s too late,

‘Cause I have grown.

I have tried to judge,

But I keep reaping what I have sown.

I tried to please and tried to conform,

And tried to act all fuzzy and warm,

But then all I feel is so much alone.

Then the father asked,

Then what will you do?

What other choice is there for you?

Then the boy said,

Father, when you gave me the choices to decide,

Instead of speaking,

I chose to hide.

Since it was not a choice you gave,

And rather than misbehave,

I let myself down,

That day.

See, I don’t want to avoid,

And I don’t want to condemn,

And I don’t want to please and conform,

Again and again.

I feel so ashamed to tell you my wish.

But where are my footsteps in all this?

I don’t mean to gripe,

But when is it time,

For me to live life?

When is time,

For me to feel right?

And the father explained.

My son, many avoid and many complain,

Many conform and many condemn,

Over and over and over again.

But you,

You wish to be apart.

Now I know,

You’re ready to start.


Parable of the Theologian

A theologian came and asked, “Teacher, the Three Heavens with the Twelve Harbors and River running through them are very much like Buddhism and Hinduism and of course Christianity and Judaism as well.  How can this be?


The Teacher replied, “Isn’t it where there is love, there too is God’s Kingdom?  What father or mother doesn’t love his or her son or daughter?  Choose a religion that it is not so.  A singularity is present within all who believe in love and that is the Spirit.  They may not yet know their spirit or God because the spirit is the wisdom and God is Love Unconditional, but they know of love, they know of God, they believe in a Messiah—as spirit that will take them to where they need to go.  The spirit is of the Spirit and love is of God.  Even a Jew, who does not believe the Messiah has come, still believes and, thus, is still in the Kingdom of God.  Even an atheist is not a true atheist.  True some are closer to the front door of the Kingdom but still inside and some are further on the River.  But only those who don’t believe in True Love–those who love to do evil, seeing themselves gods–are outside the Kingdom where there is gnashing of teeth.


“So you are saying that we are all saved?” asked the theologian.


“Yes”, replied the Teacher.  “Saved from where though?  Each is saved from a place in the Kingdom.  Do those who are mean—but not evil—immediately get taken to the Third Heaven when they die?  What justice is this?  Then all would be mean or self-righteous.  What is reincarnation but starting life from the place where you died?  And what is the River but the Middle Way through the Kingdom?  And when does self plus non-self result in Self?  Isn’t Self the trinity of self plus the spirit and our Father?  All is interconnected, but each self perceives its own selfishness and makes its own way, as it should and was created to do.  Yet all ways lead to somewhere in the Kingdom, but only the River takes you through each heaven directly to God.  If a physical self cannot manifest love in consciousness, what good is it to be alive?  There is only one Kingdom and each has a room.  But the room does not need to stagnate; the room is allowed to progress until it becomes a Castle.


Parable of the Woman and a Ship

God and a woman came to the shore of a great ocean, and God told the woman, “My child, go find us a canoe.” The woman looked a little bewildered but said, “Yes, God,” and off she went. In a little while, she came upon a canoe and said to herself, This canoe is okay, but if I got God a ship, how glorious that would be! God deserves a ship, not a canoe. So she went off and searched for a ship to bring God.


Three years later, God looked over the horizon and saw a ship coming his way. And as it drew closer, God saw the woman sail the ship and anchor it offshore. When the woman stepped on shore, she approached God in all gladness and also all bruised, broken, out of breath, her knees wobbling and arms dangling at her side. “For you, God. Here is your ship you so richly deserve! And now we can traverse the ocean in comfort and style and ease.” Exhausted, the woman then fell to her knees before God.


God said to the woman, “My child, you didn’t need to go through all that trouble. I needed the canoe I asked for so we could go down this small river over here to get to the ship you brought me.”


Parable of the Worker in the Ocean

One day a man was scuba diving with a buddy on a science expedition.  They were about seventeen miles from shore and thirty feet under the water.  Their job was to gather cement blocks thrown over the science vessel in order to build habitats for marine life at a central hub.  As they were building the habitats, the man noticed his buddy had been absent for a while.  It did not bother the man that he was alone, but that his buddy was alone.

Staying calm, the man performed what he was taught by his master instructor, and made a circular sweep of the area.  After each time he circled around the central hub, he would go out a little farther.  After several times circling, the man saw a blur in the distance, and started swimming toward it. 

Coming up on it, the man saw his buddy’s flippers and his buddy swimming further and further away from the hub.  He was already two or three hundred feet away.   The man was able to catch up to his buddy and shrug his leg and wave him back.  His buddy looked back with a surprised panic on his face. He was disoriented.  They both swam back to the hub and ascended.  The buddy told the man that he had nearly no more air left in his tanks and that the man had saved his life.


Parable of the Panicking Diver

One day a young scuba diver and his master diver were wading in choppy seas.  The young scuba diver could not catch his breath as the waves starting crashing against his mask, and he started panicking.  He started to breathe heavily from his tank but trying to wade kept his chest tight and his lungs unable to expand.  The master asked the young diver if he was ready to submerge, and the young diver asked his master to just give him a minute to catch his breath.  The master then replied that it is much easier to breathe deeply the deeper you submerge.  Trusting his master, the young diver submerged, and able to breathe much easier, regained his calmness.


Parable of the Prejudiced Persons

A student asked his teacher, “Teacher, is it better to be poor or rich?”

And the Teacher answered, “One day, a poor man saw a rich man, and in shame, walked across the street and begged the rich man for money, and the rich man gave him none and went about his day.  On another day, a rich man saw a poor man, and in pity, walked across the street and gave him enough money to last a year so the poor man no longer needed to beg.  The poor man gladly accepted it and then went about his day.  So, who is better off–a poor man or a rich man–when neither takes the time to understand the other?”


Conversation Between a Teacher of Christ and a Deceived Psychologist

A psychologist asked, “Teacher, have you not heard of the Shadow, the Superego, and the Ego?  These are the basic truths of all of psychology.”

And the Teacher replied, “I have heard some say the Shadow is a criminal, the Superego the church or law, and the Ego the self.  But what is inside your mind telling you of this–the Superego, the Shadow, or the Ego?  Who would replace the Spirit with the Shadow and the Father with the Superego?  Who is the Shadow and who is the Superego?”

The psychologist reflected on this and later said, “Teacher, I cannot say.  I do not understand.”

And the Teacher replied, “What ego but a traumatized and fearful ego would be so desperate to keep itself so under control rather than walk in faith into the unknown with the Spirit who is there with you in the desert of the Amygdala in the Limbic System or Second Heaven of Adolescence to battle your greatest fears so that you may realize that the Spirit accepts you human?  For where is hell but there?  A pit or valley of darkness where death looms in every crack and crevice, and the living who are terrorized by the dead.  I will take the living with me, and the dead can bury the dead.

The greatest of a person’s fear is death, and when I die, I will go there and face it like a subunit vaccine eradicating the root of suffering.  Having battled it, I will have overcome it, and feel proud to the point of hearing my Father say He accepts me worthy.  And then I will rise in glory, humbled and so appreciative of the gift that my Father has given me that my devotion to Him will be unyielding.

In my devotion, I will then face all my fears weeding out the dead from the living that resides there, one at a time until there is no fear left and I am complete, confident, and free and at peace.  Yes, I will come to be complete; the confident Me, and be with Him, and then we will come to you and be with you only in love that is unconditional.  For what is conditional love but fearful love; a love that fears to love too much and that may go against the over-righteous, the over-sympathizing, the over-protecting.  In other words, those who will not allow you to be free and at peace being your own person and not needing them.

My disciples didn’t believe that I came from God until they knew for sure that I didn’t need followers; that I was only being selfless and was willing to leave them to themselves to gain the spirit that would raise them to become true adults.  My wisdom on overcoming the world that terrifies a person and my Father who is love and you will become One and one complete person shining on a hill for all to see and find calmness and serenity and sanctuary in.  And this will be the only thing that pleases You (the 3-in-1) the most.

Don’t you see that there is only a spirit of light where there was shadow and a loving Father where there was a righteous religion or law, and that the criminal and law both continue to battle one another for the ego to go left or right for the sole unified purpose of keeping the ego from moving forward, and thus traumatizing it in the process?  And who is the unruly moral ruler in the world but an over-righteous bully.  And who is a unruly immoral ruler in the world but he who tolerates being bullied.

Once the ego finds righteousness through acceptance by way of a relationship with the unconditionally loving spirit and the spirit becomes the true Ruler nothing like either, the Bridge of Letting Go appears and the past is done away with and devotion to the present with the Father remains.  This is why neither the bully and the one who tolerates the bullying knows the spirit. 

When you see the bully (that which you fear), face the bully with my Father’s spirit having your back (your armor of sorts), but do not fight or argue with the bully.  That is what a bully wants; that is what his life depends on.  It will be then that you will see the bully for what it is; not having the spirit for a friend of his own.  And now that you understand what I’ve been telling you, you can now turn the other cheek, and leave with the Father’s Love who is your spirit in your heart, not with pity but with sympathy leaving the bully to the Father and without worry for yourself or him.   

What is that on the right or the left of where the river begins but both beyond the banks of the river that goal of each has become the same.  Which is the cherubim and which is the sword that guards the ego against entering the Kingdom?  It is all illusion and deception, which is what such fear is from that which would make an ego fearful.”

“If this is true,” says the psychologist, “then how can one move forward if the two are so engrained in one’s psyche? What force pulls the ego forward enough to escape the clutches of the shadow and superego?”

“Aah, you believe!  That is your start.” said the Teacher.  “Your ego has always had the power to move forward, but a fearful ego will not move into the unknown.  But there are those outside the Kingdom that love to murder and love to rape and sexually abuse which is known as sexual immorality.  These have no remorse and are very clever and intelligent.  You call them sociopaths and psychopaths.  They can see the light ahead and the freedom it provides before you can.   So, before you are willing to move further with an unseen spirit of light, they traumatize and divide the ego by creating a shadow on one side known as bad and a false righteousness or law on the other known as good. 

The ego cannot move forward when it is split because it is constantly distracted and traumatized by that on the left and right like a tug-o-war with you in the middle.  There is no rest for it.  And thus it weighs itself down and anchors itself trying to escape the anxiety and fear.  As long as the ego does this, the evil is fed and satisfied.  When this ceases, evil begins again to deceive.  The evil tries to traumatize the ego again by putting on a show of fire and brimstone and death and destruction for whomever questions it or moves forward all in the guise of true love.  And if and when the ego begins to move forward, evil wages war and terror for all to see to prove its truth because evil knows that it cannot kill an ego without the ego’s permission to do so.  And waging war on evil with the motive of hate is giving evil the permission to kill the ego.  But evil cannot kill the ego when the ego waging war on evil with the motive of love because God is more powerful than evil.

Evil has no self-esteem; that is, no connection between self and Spirit.  So weak and cowardly, evil does not have the courage to move deeper within where the Spirit shines its light because evil only exists on the outside but Spirit is on the inside and true love even deeper inside still.  So then, the greater the show on the outside, the less self-esteem on the inside, and thus less light within.

One day the ego will see that there was never such a shadow and never a superego, never a good on one side and a bad on the other, and that the Body is truly made up of only the complete Human Ego, the Spirit, and the Father as it was in the beginning.   The Ego is soaked in knowledge, the Spirit in wisdom, and the Father in love that is unconditional.   The knowledge of the Ego resides in the conscious, the wisdom of the Spirit in the personal unconscious, and love of the Father in the collective unconscious.  And once complete, the ego or self becomes Self.  But no ego can enter into the Father without first obeying the Spirit.

When the ego is made aware of something, it seeks the knowledge or understanding of what it is and stores the information.  But the deeper wisdom of it comes from the Spirit and the still even deeper love of it comes from the Father.  The ego is vulnerable and foolish on its own, so the ego must seek out and utilize the Spirit when facing it and entering into it in order to become wise to its motives so that the ego may come to love it as the Father loves it or spit it out as the Father spits it out because the Father loves His children.  For what was prejudiced or pre-judged by the ego as bad may actually become endearing.  And what was pre-judged by the ego as good may now be spit out.  Either way, peace is restored.

As is I, continued the Teacher, the marriage of all three is the Body–the Me also known as the I AM, or Self–and all three must be present as One to deliver God’s message to God’s people from the soul that is pure.  For the Ego stores and thus is the knowledge of God, the Spirit stores and is the wisdom of God, and the Father stores and is the Love that is God. 

Within Knowledge is understanding that gives hope, within Wisdom is acceptance which seals one’s faith in the Spirit, and Love is everything.  And the Body is complete when the ego has complete confidence in the truth or genuineness of the wisdom of the Spirit and love of the Father and, at the same time, the ego knows without doubt that it will be both respected and loved by each no matter what it does.  And it can only know this for sure by having walked with and lived with both Spirit and Father.

What is the Spirit but Respect and what is the Father but Love?  And what is confidence but trust that is absolute?  And your physical body is the vessel by which the Body as One can now deliver God’s message of Truth for all to believe, as you do now.”


Conversation Between Jesus and a Young Child

A young child who knew Jesus came to him as Jesus was talking to an audience and asked, “Jesus, are you of my religion?”

Many of the people in the audience appeared annoyed at the child.  “The child even calls the Teacher by his given name,” said some of them.  And yet some were very happy that the child asked as if they sent the child to ask Jesus because they were too afraid to do so themselves.  But this was not the case.  The young child came to Jesus all on the child’s own.

As Jesus calmed the audience, he asked the Young Child, “Why do you ask?”

“I am taking classes in my religion and studying the books.  The teachers say that you were of my religion and left.  And it says in the book that people who have pledged and leave are in mortal sin and will  not make it to heaven.”

“I was of the religion,” said Jesus.  “What do you think about this book?” asked Jesus to the Young Child.

“Well it says it in the book, but I’m confused,” replied the child.

“Why are you confused?” asked Jesus.

“Because I know you and love you.  So how can my religion do that to my friend that I love?”

Jesus smiled at the young child and said, making sure everyone in the audience could hear, “How can a young child be more mature than a religion that has been around for many ages?”

“What do I do Jesus?” asked the child.  “My parents say I must go, but it makes me so sad and angry.  I don’t want to go.”

“Weren’t you baptized?” asked Jesus.

“Yes I was,” said the child.

“Then you have the Spirit in you, don’t you?”


“What does the book say about the Spirit?” continued Jesus.

“The book says that the Spirit must be obeyed like the religion because the religion is the religion of the Spirit,” replied the child.

“Ah, and yet you find it unfair that the religion makes you choose either them or the Spirit that lives in you and loves you and you feel its love.   The same Spirit that gave you the confidence to come up here today in front of all these people, most who you have not ever seen, and ask your question.”

“Yes,” said the child. “But I also love my parents.”

“Yes, you even love the parents that send you to the classes.  My child, who is greater the Spirit or the religion?  This you must decide for yourself.  You cannot have both.  One choice is easier than the other, but does that make it right?  This you will need to answer for yourself.  And yet you have a Spirit to ask and a Father who loves you and will accept you no matter which you choose.  I will not make you choose as they make you choose.  The choice is between you and your Spirit.  Who am I to interfere?  What do you say to that?”

And the child replied, “That you love me.”

“Yes, my child.  I love you.” said Jesus with enormous empathy.  Some are more mature than others, even people who are older than them.  But does being more mature make us stop loving others who are less?” asked Jesus.

“No, Jesus.  I love them even more.”

“That did not come from you alone, my child, but the Spirit in you who you believe and have faith in greater than anyone you know and anyone you’ve met.  And yet will those in the religion love me even though I have left?”

“They say so, but what they say about the words in the book is not what they say.”  said the child.

“And again, you recognize this.  You see what they cannot see.  But there are some things that are truth in what they teach and some not as pure as they may think.  Take the classes, and when you feel wronged, speak to your Spirit and listen to it tell you why you feel this way.  And then do what your Spirit tells you to do and gives you the strength to do.” said Jesus.

“But they will kick me out one day I think, and my parents will hate me.” said the child afraid.

“And on that day, come to me, and we will continue in your growth and in your love until you are intimate with our Father who loves you.  On that day, let the children be children and let the more mature be more mature.  But what parent who loves his or her child hates forever and does not one day come to accept the child later as an adult? What parent can sustain that, especially having the Spirit in them?  Either they will use their Spirit or they will not.  There is no middle ground in this.”

And the child went away sad but with hope and the strength to know that whatever the child does, there will always be a place and a Spirit who loves the child no matter what.


Some Disciples Ask About Communion

Some came to the Teacher and asked, “Teacher, you say that one must leave one’s church to find oneself.  How then do we take communion?”

And the Teacher answered, “Jesus told his disciples to remember the Sabbath and take communion because they had just believed that he came from God.  They knew he had come from God because they expected that he would stay to create his own religion and, as others before, rule in the high place.  They knew that these high priests said they need nobody, but in the end, they were more needy than those who were truly in need.

But Jesus surprised them and said that it was time for him to leave so that the spirit for each of them would come after grieving.  It was then they knew that Jesus did not need them to submit to him and ask him question after question so that he may feel needed.  Not that it wasn’t on his mind.  Jesus asked God if there was a way for him to stay and God replied no.  It was only human not to want to go through the final suffering.  And his leaving solidified the disciples’ belief.

This was the entrance into the First Heaven in the Kingdom where self is self and self and still arrogant.  When they would be given the spirit and the disciples acknowledged the presence of their spirit, the knowledge that Jesus provided became truth.  It was then that they could choose for themselves to trust the spirit in them.  But before this, they still trusted nobody.

They feared and mistrusted because of the way they were raised and what they saw.  And besides, when one leaves, one can easily be forgotten.  So then the ritual of communion was required and needed during this time so that the people would remain conscious of Jesus’ teachings.  This is why I say the churches of the world are in the First Heaven for those in the First Heaven, although some in these churches may be further into the Second or even Third Heaven.

But when the disciple has acquired enough true knowledge about the spirit and God, the disciple no longer needs the ritual because communicating with and walking with the spirit within replaces the ritual.  Fear starts to be replaced by hope.  Besides, how much more frequently does a person commune with the spirit in walking with the spirit than only showing up once a week?  Didn’t even Jesus work on Sundays?

On the outside, those in the First Heaven would see only a man walking alone, but everyone knows that Jesus was not walking alone when he was walking.  So is the same for those who enter the Second Heaven.  They are more devout than those in the First Heaven.  And the battle will have begun with they in the conscious heaven, and you in the heaven of personal unconscious where you will become wise to them with the true wisdom of God.

So then judge not those you do not see coming to church.  Do not protest in jealously because those in the Second Heaven break the law to live in God’s Law that is true love or Love with a capital L.  Instead, look at yourself and ask yourself, “Am I devout enough not to need the ritual?  Do I too have the courage to leave so that I may live a deeper faith?”  Only the one who hears the voice of their spirit within and sees their spirit within may answer yes. 

But is it to just be any spirit?  No, only the spirit of unconditional love given to the person for the person by our Father.  All other spirits are false spirits, and it will be these false spirits that will wage war against you so that they will not be revealed for who they truly are.  But again, they believe to be waging war against only you, but in fact, are waging war against you and your spirit, and so unknowingly wage war against themselves.

This is why the spirit of true love will always win over the those who do not recognize the true spirit within them.  How can a person of the world win over a spirit of God?  This is why Jesus said to devote your mind, heart, and soul to God and the spirit that God has given you.  When you come to love your spirit in the Second Heaven by way of acceptance, then you will devote yourself to obey your spirit of God.  And whoever loves their spirit, loves and appreciates even more deeply God.  It cannot be otherwise.

What can one do more in communion then to obey his or her spirit?  How much more devotion is there?  One day you will be complete in full intimacy and communion with not just the spirit of God but in God; in Love that is true.”  And it will be on this day that the battle will be over, and your confidence will have won over their arrogance.  You will see what they will never see having become full-fledged adults to they still as children, and the children they believe to possess will be the same children You will have freed.


An Addict Comes Clean

An addict came and said, “Teacher, I’m checking myself into a clinic to get clean.”

The Teacher replied, “You wish for your house to be clean.”

“If you mean my body”, said the addict, “then yes.”

“What good is a clean body with an ill soul?” asked the Teacher.

“The clinic detoxes you first and then you stay another three weeks for therapy,” said the addict.

“This is good.  There are those who do not have clinics and must suffer 10 days to come clean.  Therapy will give you some knowledge for the three weeks, but what will give you wisdom.  Without the wisdom, you may be clean but you will not be clear.  You will still be under deception as you are now.  After therapy, you will return to where you live, which is the same for those who suffer the 10 days.”

“How do I gain wisdom?” asked the addict.

“The clinic will get the body clean.  Then you must come clean and confess.”

“Confess my sins, like in church”, said the addict.

“What good is confession if you only return to where you live?  The demons will return in even greater measure, and you will need to clean the body and the soul over and over again.  This is the cycle of the churches in the First Heaven.  Rather than confess your secrets, they hear only your sins.  This is for those who only know of the First Heaven or are deceived by those who need you suffering and keep you in the First Heaven so they can feel good about themselves.  You will be an addict for life.

Instead exit from this cycle and come to me when you are clean, and confess your secrets, and I will give you the knowledge of the Spirit that you need and baptize you for you to have the same spirit in you.  And your spirit will replace your drug of choice.  Your drug of choice seduced you into friendship by deceiving you to the point of not being able to see the bars of the cage that eventually surrounded you.  But understand that the spirit will lead you past the boundaries of the First Heaven and into the Second Heaven where a vast desert is located.  In this desert, you will battle for a time where you will face your greatest demon, and then in Acceptance you will know who your true friend really is and begin trusting it.  But this friend will not encage you.  Instead, in the end, it will let go and hand you over to God Itself that is Love in the Third Heaven.

It is only by doing this that you will come to see clearly the bridge ahead of you that will take you into the land where you will obtain the spirit’s wisdom.  These are the secrets–the pearls–that your spirit will give to you freely that will fill your soul so that no demon can ever enter again.

And as you devote yourself to your spirit, you will realize the true and permanent healing power of God rather than the false and temporary healing power of man.  And one day your soul will be complete with the wisdom, and the spirit and you will then enter into the soul yourselves in what is called the Third Heaven where God will come from The Heaven to meet you there and reside there with you for the rest of your life on Earth.

It is then that you will be a new being–a true light or lamp or beacon–by the love that is God that you are in.  And that which made you ill in the First Heaven will begin to die, becoming only a pesky fly at best, never for you to be bothered by again.  And the dead–the deceived and deceivers–that live there will just continue to bury its dead without ever acquiring the wisdom of why. 

There is no true life without first following and obeying the Spirit’s spirit in you so that, when you become a confident adult–authentic in who you are–you will no longer worry.  The boundaries will be in place, like a fence surrounding an enormous playground or room.  In that playground, you will feel absolutely safe to play as you wish without dreading the dead encroaching on you and in your business of playing within your own understanding of true love that is your room.  How?  Because you no longer fear death because you know that your room here will be the same room in heaven where there is no dead but only the living.  That is how far you will have made it in this life.  In this life, you will need to weed out the living from the dead until you no longer fear them because you no longer fear your own death, even to the point of welcoming it when it comes.