by Tim DiMella (c) 2024.
In many of my writings, I have found that that the message my own spirit (also known as my unique spirit or my God’s spirit or my Christ-Spirit or my spirit-of-unconditional-love) is giving to me is for me and may not necessarily be so much for others. In other words, it doesn’t need to come from me but from their own spirit in them. My only task is to help others be aware and come to know that there is a spirit within them too just by my own testimony and spiritual (natural) abilities. It is then for me to leave it to them to believe it, and thus, begin their own journey with their own spirit by themselves.
And so I share My Book of Wisdom not to tell anyone what to do or judge anyone if they don’t do any of it. That would make me extremely arrogant or self-righteous. No, I share My Book of Wisdom to just share with you what my own spirit told me and what I did just for the sake of sharing. Perhaps it will help you find wellbeing in your life, or not.
Part 1 of My Book of Wisdom is called The Seventh Sermon, which is a message of readiness on taking a leap of faith from spiritual childhood to spiritual adolescence, what I call the Second Heaven, if a person is to truly find self-love, confidence, freedom, and inner peace as an authentic, true adult, in the Third.
Part 2 of My Book of Wisdom is called I Am on the River of Life, which is what in my own experience takes place in general from the beginning of the journey of spiritual maturation through the First Heaven of childhood through adolescence and into adulthood by following one’s own spirit of truth.
Part 3 of My Book of Wisdom is called Wisdom from My River, which contain my own journal entries and added personable parables and discussions rewritten in book form that provide the reader the knowledge and wisdom I gained from my own journey on my own river of life as a source of inspiration.
I hope My Book of Wisdom is a source of hope and direction for all who are searching.
Peace and Love,