This webpage begins with the Journey of Humane Development Model or Map which is the Map of Trilogy. The model is for people who are oppressed or marginalized in society to build self-esteem and confidence in their lives and achieve their own true selves. It’s a model that I developed over 20 years of performing research on myself as I developed my own self-esteem through traditional and latest aspects of psychology, sociology, global theology (church vs faith/love), philosophy, domestic violence prevention, human development, and neuroscience, and women and gender studies. So the model encompasses all these and each is explained on how the model correlates to them on this webpage.
Note that you can refer to the following other webpages for more figures with detailed descriptions and also the video below for an abstract narration of what is detailed on this webpage.
Other Webpages
The River
The River flows in its own place (space) and at its own pace (time). It is autonomous. You cannot control it. The River is the vehicle by which we mature. Allow yourself to think too highly (narcissistically) or too lowly (meekly) of yourself in the 1st Stage, and you wind up in the land on one side or the other of the River, and there you will stay in Childhood not able to reach the Gate between Childhood and Adolescence until you think realistically (authentically; truthfully) OF yourself. Allow yourself to feel too highly (manic) or too lowly (depressed) in the 2nd Stage, and you wind up in the land on one side or the other of the River, and there you will stay in Adolescence not able to reach the next Gate between Adolescence and Adulthood until you feel realistic (authentic; truthful) IN yourself. When you’ve reached the Gate into Adulthood (3rd Stage or 3rd Heaven) and it opens, you will have deemed yourself complete (confident) and trustworthy (truthful) on ALL accounts. No longer will there be lands on each side of the River because the River will have become a Great Sea called YOU teeming with Life (Love) with your own streams of life (love) flowing to wherever you want it to go.
Looking on a geographical map, find the Jordan River. The Jordan River’s ends are at the Dead Sea and the Sea of Galilee. Galilee is the home of Jesus, who is the representative of God (Unconditional Love) on Earth. I’ll talk more about this later below.
The parallel verb גיל (gil) expresses a circular motion as is mostly associated with living (expressions of joy and celebration (dance)).
Key Harbor of Each Stage or Heaven
In these harbors, you will find the key that opens the gate ahead in each stage or heaven:
Before 1st Heaven: Awareness. Having an awareness (thought) of anything that pops into the mind. The key is to realize that awareness is only awareness rather than physically or compulsively react to it.
1st Heaven: Understand. Understanding is knowing the full truth about something through communicating with it or that which created it in some form. No middle person and no going off of someone else’s interpretation of it. If you want the real truth, go to the source. This will alienate you from 90% of all people of the world (1st Stage) because these people do not believe you are worthwhile or deserved to directly meet the source. But you are and have always been. Mental understanding or knowledge begins with assessing and ending with prejudicially (unrealistically or falsely) thinking you know what it means. You may have some truth but not all of it. Truth (Loving Yourself) calms the conscious mind where thoughts manifest, so you will become calmer as you go through this harbor. However, at the beginning of the 2nd Heaven, your prejudice or arrogance will be tested.
2nd Heaven: Accept. Acceptance is the end of arrogance and the beginning of confidence. You come to accept reality or the Real Truth (Loving Others) for what it is. It is what it is. Again, Truth calms the mind, so you will become even more calmer in this heaven than the first because Real Truth calms the subconscious or personal unconscious mind where feelings manifest. You have faced it for what it really is, and you have made it through the test of the desert or woods or valley of the shadow of death or whatever you wish to call it and accepted the Real or unprejudicial Truth that no feeling can overcome. The feeling will still come but not you will never be overcome by it.
3rd Heaven: Let Go. To let go is to allow yourself to be delivered into peace. You have experienced enough in your devotion to your unconditionally-loving spirit that you have become confident in the world by having become wise (truly knowing and understanding the root motivations) of the world. You are in control; the world doesn’t control you. And to be in control absolutely, you must let go of the world altogether. It is then that you are untouchable to and of the world. Only then will you have Absolute Truth (Loving Everyone as One; yourself and others) that is peace or Heaven-on-Earth. Hence, the root of the Golden Rule. The more you let go, the more peace you have until you die, where and when you will have All or Only Truth (All or Only Love) that is God. Then you will realize that one’s collective unconscious is the driving force of all life and the living and you (your ego) is not it. The more you let go, the more you will be absorbed or immersed into the Sea and its water’s ebbing and flowing of concentrated Love that is our final resting place where our conscious is part of our unconscious, able to experience it in both thought and feeling.
How the Model Corresponds to Human Development (Maturation)
The journey on the River corresponds with the person’s journey of maturation. Although the brain may be completed physically by age 25, you must consciously be an active participant in each of the three portions (stages) along the way in order for them to be realized consciously. Your own will may get you to the end of the 1st Stage, but it will not get you past that. In other words, you can’t will yourself into heaven, and if you could, you would not be able to sustain it very long at all. And that’s the catch between someone who does not believe in a spirit of unconditional love and the necessity to mindfully (consciously) follow it, and one who does. If you won’t do the hard work to get there, then whatever you do will hardly work. This is why Jesus said that you must go through the front door while all these others who think they don’t need the spirit in their own arrogant pride try to go around through a window; in other words, try to bypass the 2nd Stage of deep feeling where true wisdom is formed. Nobody gets to the 3rd Stage of True Love (Heaven-on-Earth) unless they go through the heartfelt hard training or mentoring that is the Adolescent 2nd Stage for such Love.
1st Stage Childhood: Forming egocentric relationship of self (small s) and consciously understanding of the world around self. Under direct protection of some form of family institution from the top-bottom, passive-aggressive world. Concentration is on understanding (mentally knowing of) the spirit of unconditional love within vs the world relationship. Living consciously as one makes it through the world. Everything comes from one’s conscious.
2nd Stage Adolescence: Forming relationship of self for spirit (esteem) within, thus forming true self-esteem connection (true love in oneself relationship) and a true identity (Self; capital S) by self (small s) eventually marrying (conjoining, integrating with) one’s spirit and becoming one completed (confident; perfected) Self (capital S). Under indirect support of some form of family institution to aid in overcoming (maturing past) the world. Living consciously of one’s personal unconscious as one makes it between the world and one’s soul. Everything comes from one’s subconscious (personal unconscious).
3rd Stage Adulthood: Forming truly loving (intimate) relationships with the collective of all creations in all stages of maturity through the wisdom found in one’s 2nd Stage from one’s spirit with the sole concentration of giving life to them through one’s capable true love for them only by living permanently in one’s home (soul). Living consciously of one’s unconscious by living in one’s soul. Everything comes from one’s collective (relational) unconscious.
How the Model Corresponds to Ancient Greek Forms of Love
Believe to Understand: Storge or Familiar Love (Getting to Know)
Understand to Accept: Philia or Affectionate Love (Becoming a True Friend)
Accept to Complete: Eros or Intimate Love (Falling in Love)
Complete to Heaven-on-Earth: Agape or Selfless Love (Giving and Letting Go)
How the Model Corresponds to Jungian (Analytical Psychology) and the Brain
Spiritual Childhood = First Heaven (Where Love is only Mentally Understood) = Conscious (Arrogant Doing from ignorance and ending in knowledge of, a.k.a., Logical or Arrogant or Human Being) = reasoning that which you can see in front of you. Location: Cerebral Cortex
Spiritual Adolescence = Second Heaven (Where Love in the Heart Begins) = Personal Unconscious or Subconscious (Unconfident Doing from knowledge and ending in wisdom, a.k.a., Logical + Emotional or Humane Being) = that which you can imagine (see) within you. Location: Limbic System
Spiritual Adulthood = Third Heaven (Where True Love in the Soul Exists) = Collective Unconscious (Confident Doing from wisdom and ending in love, a.k.a., Logical + Emotional + Spiritual or Loving Being) = that which you cannot see but can still sense its existence. Location: Prefrontal Cortex
The following is an article describing the above. Note in the figure later in this webpage how Love (Second and Third Stages) is invisible to the mental 1st Stage. In other words, how love is blind.
Emotion, Brain, & Behavior Laboratory Studying the brain and body correlates of emotion, from reaction to regulation
The Neuroscience of Love Posted on December 8, 2014 by Giovanna Castro
Love is blindness [Invisible]
The frontal cortex is the center of executive functioning, judgement, and logic, all of which get thrown overboard in love. This is due to decreased activation in this brain area, which translates to a “suspension in judgement or a relaxation of judgemental criteria by which we judge other people” (Zeki 2007). We seek for people to love us in spite of our shortcomings; turns out they literally don’t see them! Or at least they judge them less harshly because their frontal cortex is drugged by infatuation. [This means we succumb to greater loving acceptance of those whom we love — ourselves and others — by decreasing mental [literal and legalistic] interpretations that are associated with the 1st Stage.]
Our infatuation produces a decrease in the brain areas associated with [1st Stage] “mentalizing” and “theory of mind,” namely the prefrontal cortex, parieto-temporal junction, and the temporal poles. These are the structures responsible for being able to [5th and 6th Harbor] identifying other people’s emotions and ascribing reasons for them. Zeki (2007) explained this finding by highlighting that these areas are implicated in the conceptual distinction between the self and the other, therefore their deactivation [(second death in the Book of Revelation)] is necessary for reaching the [10th Harbor] merging and unity lovers seek with each other. The neuroscience proves it, love is illogical [without ego].
[True Love is impartial. It is not subjective. It offers itself to whomever wants it. And it cannot be reasoned (labelled or controlled) by any person. When it comes to Love, any book or text is ordered by man, missing time and full truths, and thus, incomplete. For Love can only be experienced so that its wisdom replaces any reasoning. Therefore, the only way to leave the world is to experience Love of oneself and others. A person may believe that suicide is one way, but you only come back to start wherever you left off. No, you must move forward first finding, accepting, and merging with the Love that is in you and then giving your life (love) to others.]
Aron, A., Fisher, H., Mashek, D. J., Strong, G., Li, H., & Brown, L. L. (2005). Reward, motivation, and emotion systems associated with early-stage intense romantic love. Journal of neurophysiology, 94(1), 327-337.
de Boer, A., Van Buel, E. M., & Ter Horst, G. J. (2012). Love is more than just a kiss: a neurobiological perspective on love and affection. Neuroscience, 201, 114-124.
Dębiec, J. (2007). From affiliative behaviors to romantic feelings: a role of nanopeptides. FEBS letters, 581(14), 2580-2586.
Zeki, S. (2007). The neurobiology of love. FEBS letters, 581(14), 2575-2579.
How the Model Corresponds to Husserl’s Pure Phenomenology Philosophy
There is a transition from “What do I want or need” to “What do I believe exists that can help get me there”. This is what I call Original Transition or the Transcendence (Transformation) from Nothing or Something.
Husserl may say that My First Heaven is for what Husserl coins Intentionality; consciousness for the knowledge of or about something and its direction to the phenomenon. Awareness of or knowing of (noesis) the Spirit and trying to know the definition of. It is then presented or represented with what you imagine, a.k.a., Imaginary Variation, the Spirit to be in physical form (noema). The direction to the target is the River (or Modality of Being on the Stream of Consciousness) given by its flow (time-consciousness) in the direction to the Sea of The Living (or Freedom) in the Third Heaven.
The second transition or transcendence (transformation) or transcendental phenomena is coined by Husserl as Eidetic Reduction and is movement from the First Heaven to the Second Heaven (from fact to essence, knowledge of to knowing, person to spirit, letter of the law to the Spirit of the Law). This is done by our own decision to “move out”, and thus, by our own will.
The Second Heaven is for the insight (wisdom) of the noema (Spirit) and the true meaning or essence brought by experience in walk with and obeying the Spirit. This insight comes after the Harbor of Act and the subsequent Harbor of Accept. It comes in the Harbor of Devote. Husserl may call this harbor what he coined as the Horizon of the experience.
There is a third transition or transcendence (transformation) from the Second Heaven to the Third Heaven. But it can only be performed by the spirit and not by our own will. We are handed over to God (the True Love or In Love) in the Third Heaven by the Spirit when only the Spirit knows we are ready and not before. When this happens, we are confident within fully trusting the Spirit; the kind of trust the Spirit has for God (the realm or essence of love that is unconditional for everyone; the full body or collective).
As far as I know, Husserl didn’t get this far. But if it was said in German, we could call this third transitional movement Übergabe Transcendence (Transformation) to the point of completion or the complete us. Über meaning “moving about” and gabe meaning “gift”. We become a Trinity to which we later hand over (give as we move about) ourselves in the kind of Love that is God to all those in the body or collective that we come in contact to the best of our human abilities. This is so that they too can traverse the River by the wanting motivation toward that which we have; the Being that we are; the Target we’ve become by way of their own Geist or Spirit. We (our egos or selves small s) are bound by our spirit (small s) that is borne by the Spirit (capital S), and our spirit is bound in us, and we and our spirit (a.k.a., Self capital s) are bound together by the true or “in love” (a.k.a. Love capital L) that is God.
The Third Heaven is the Target where you and your spirit unite with God that is Unconditional Love. If the knowledge (non-physical property of the mind) of conditional love can be suspended in the First Heaven by performing epoche (putting aside the mind’s prejudiced view or bracketing conditional through reasoning to act in unconditional through faith) and thus imagining unconditional love (a.k.a., Love with a capital L) that you first must believe exists, then the insight of God from its Spirit (Representation) is the Pointer in the Second Heaven to the Target that is the Third Heaven.
This only works if the noema that you imagine is as real to you on the inside to what you deem is real on the outside and you actually walk with it. You will never reach your target through someone else’s religion, that can only exist on the outside. Another’s religion has its own unique spirit that is not necessarily unconditionally loving. You cannot be a trinity with someone else’s spirit, and thus, you cannot experience its true meaning, motives, and all of its genuine insights. Self-efficacy continues to emerge as you journey the River with your spirit inside you until you reach your target–the unity or trinity of you, your spirit, and God as one on this earth.
How the Model Corresponds to Christianity (C), Buddhism (B), Hinduism (H), Neuroscience (N) and Psychology (P) Similarities
You are innocent (acceptable) in truth (how you were made in God’s love). It is your responsibility on how you perceive this truth and act on your perception. What you think is flawed (bad or sinful) by the world’s standards, may actually be fated (realized by you and beneficial to the Body) when you follow and obey God’s Spirit of Truth (Unconditional Love) in you. This is the bridge each of us must walk over. The only reason you believe yourself to be a sinner is because you either think too highly or too lowly of yourself. Healthy people don’t think about sin. – Tim DiMella
The Following Three Slides are from my webpage presentation. Please note that I only discovered these similarities to B, H, N, and P discussed below just recently by researching comparisons to the Model (C) thus verifying the Model which is needed by the World but not in the 3rd Stage of Confidence in the Spirit of Unconditional Love that gives to us only Truth. Tim 9 Jul 2021
I cover the basics because going in depth of all the above similarities would take pretty much forever. What it comes down to is that everything that a person perceives and creates is of and from the same model (that which is in and of the architecture of the brain) and that every denomination or field of study in the world is based on the same construct; just different languages as in the story of the City and Tower of Babel. Thus all are equal; no denomination or field of thinking is better than any other. They all come from the 3rd Stage to which the Self (self + spirit integration or marriage) becomes One (fully intimate) with in the deepest form of love (i.e., God) who is authentic (true) love.
At the early part of this webpage, I state that looking on a geographical map, find the Jordan River. The Jordan River’s ends are at the Dead Sea and the Sea of Galilee (or Living Sea). Galilee is the home of Jesus, who is the representative of God (Unconditional or True Love) on Earth. The parallel verb גיל (gil) expresses a circular motion as is mostly associated with expressions of joy and celebration (dance).
Now we can see that the River in the model can also be viewed as the Jordan River. Crossing the River from South to North meant you were going from the land of the oppressives (passives) into the land of the aggressives to which you too would become aggressive. Jesus was baptized by John the Baptist in the Jordan River and made his Sermon on the Mount at the Jordan River. Thus, what is needed was to pause at the River and turn right thus turning your focus on aggression to a focus on true love and then venture along the Jordan River away from the Dead Sea and towards the Living Sea or Sea of Free (Sea of Galilee).
On any geographical map, the Jordan River flows vertically north to south. But in Old Testament times, coming to the shore of the River and crossing it would mean like crossing into God’s land above, which is a distorted (deceptive) view or illusion of true love called conditional love. This is illustrated in the other figure below.
Except for the portions that provide the symbolism, the following is from
Jordan River, Arabic Nahr Al-Urdun, Hebrew Ha-Yarden, river of southwestern Asia, in the Middle East region. It lies in a structural depression and has the lowest elevation of any river in the world.
The river rises on the slopes of Mount Hermon (symbolizing Heaven-on-High), on the border between Syria and Lebanon, and flows southward through northern Israel to the Sea of Galilee (symbolizing Heaven-on-Earth) . Exiting the sea, it continues south, dividing Israel and the Israeli-occupied West Bank (thus symbolizing the world view and Hell-on-Earth) to the west from Jordan to the east before emptying into the Dead Sea (symbolizing Hell-on-Low). The surface of the Dead Sea, at an elevation of about 1,410 feet (430 metres) below sea level in the mid-2010s, is the lowest land point on Earth. [Mount Hermon is the highest place on earth east of the Mediterranean Sea.
Making your way to Heaven-on-Earth and then Heaven-on-High is apropos since you would have to struggle against the river’s natural flow, thus, taking a lot of courage to do so. But read the story of Joshua Chapter 3 and 4 in the Bible. Note that as they crossed the Jordan River, the author states that the river had stopped flowing upstream for them to cross. However, subconsciously, it symbolizes God welcoming them to move up the river, as if saying this way, to the right without much struggle toward the Sea of Galilee (Heaven-on-Earth; Sea of Free) and onward to Peace, rather than cross the Jordan like at the Red Sea. And the 12 memorial stones symbolize the 12 harbors of the river with the 12 tribes eventually settling on each side of the Jordan River.
To this day, the middle east is still in conflict and war. And yet if those at war in the middle east would turn their attention away from each other in the world view to the Love view (to Mount Hermon beginning at the Dead Sea) and start the model’s journey (the 12 harbors along the Jordan River), then there would be sustained peace in the middle east. And again I did not know about the 12 stones until I knew something like that had to be mentioned in some story in the Bible on crossing the river well after the model was made. Note also that Zarethan (as in the region of) in Joshua Chapter 3 means “land of oppression” in Hebrew and “Adam” (as in the city of) means earth. This is very much like the world view of the 1st Stage in the model. Also note that they water flow on the Jordan in Joshua 3 stopped from the city of Adam in the region of Zarethan to the shore of the Dead Sea, which is the same as the 1st Stage.
Again, I believe the author of the story received the story from the author’s subconscious or unconscious beyond their own conscious and wrote it in terms of what people would be familiar with consciously, as with most if not all stories of the Old and New Testaments of the Bible. It did not come from above; it came from beyond (far along the River after the 1st Stage).
The model is kind of accurate in this topography. Just know that the model came to me well before I knew the above because it was the route that my spirit was leading me in my life.
The following is from
Mount Hermon, Arabic Jabal al-shaykh, snowcapped ridge on the Lebanon-Syria border west of Damascus. It rises to 9,232 feet (2,814 metres) and is the highest point on the east coast of the Mediterranean Sea. It is sometimes considered the southernmost extension of the Anti-Lebanon range. At its foot rise the two major sources of the Jordan River. Hermon has also been known historically as Sirion and Senir. A sacred landmark since the Bronze Age, it represented the northwestern limit of Israelite conquest under Moses and Joshua. On its slopes are temples with Greek inscriptions dating from about 200 CE.
Note that the end of the Book of Revelation states that there will no need for a temple because God will be that temple radiating light (truth) for all to see.
The Middle Way (B) = The Narrow Path or The River or Lifeline or Vine/Trunk stemming from and to the 3rd Stage Sea, Garden, or Root (C) = Mārga (H) = Flow of the Assertive Pathway or Central Nervous System in the Brain contrasting that of aggression and passiveness (apathy) on opposite sides and evil manipulation (dark empathy). Aggression leads to Grandiose Narcissism, Sociopathy, and Machiavellianism from Psychopaths in the 1st Stage. Psychopaths can only attain cognitive knowledge (understanding) but not spiritual wisdom that comes in the 2nd Stage. The streams from the Unions on the Central Nervous System are all part of the Autonomous Nervous System (Sympathetic, Parasympathetic, and Enteric) (N).
Spiritual Wisdom or the Spirit’s Wisdom is invisible to those in the 1st Stage because it can only be gained by obeying God’s Spirit of Unconditional Love through the 2nd Stage. Jesus called all the lands of the 2nd Stage and 3rd Stage the Kingdom of God. Only those who choose to be Baptized in the 6th Harbor after having the true knowledge (preparation or understanding) from the 5th Harbor can one enter into the actual Kingdom of God, or what Buddhists call Buddha Land. Thus, no church in the world can be the Kingdom of God. The 1st Stage is of God as in a child of God, but it is only by going through Gate #2 that you are with God being guided by only your faith (what only you alone can see on the inside of you and nobody else) in God’s spirit in you (a.k.a, the Buddha-Nature or Luminous Mind (B); or Wise Mind (P)). And you will be guided into all truth that is you.
Metaphorically, in the Book of Genesis in the Bible, Adam and Eve were aligned with God on the path in the 1st Stage, and when they went passive-aggressive in eating the apple in the Harbor of Knowledge (Understanding) they had to take the right path to the Land of Passive. They were still in Childhood with God but their perception became skewed to the World View Hierarchy (up and down) instead of forward. They now had to deal with the Aggressors (Narcissists). It was only when Jesus came with the Truth were they able to once again find assertiveness (P) on the Path (C) and become again aligned with perceiving God and continue their maturation with their spirit. So then, its all about Understanding that realigns one’s perception in the direction to move forward in his/her life (P). No longer is Heaven above and Hell below. No longer is one ashamed (a passive trait) nor narcissistic (an aggressive trait) but assertive. And thus Heaven is only ahead of you as and if you continue to move forward.
Metaphorically, the Tower of Babel story (C) with peoples of the City (World Order, Institution, Church of the 1st Stage) wanting to build a tower (path through the 2nd Stage) to God can never be achieved by humans alone but only by humans following God’s Spirit of Unconditional Love. This is why Good will always eventually triumph over evil. It is also why nobody can make it to the 3rd Stage by human (exterior conscious) guidance but only by personal (interior conscious) guidance. One must separate from institutional churches to make his or her way through adolescence on his or her own with his or her own personal spirit within.
Protecting or Flood Gates (C) = Muns (B).
Gate 1 = Ilju-mun (B-Korean)
Gate 2 = Cheonwang-mun (Gate of the Devas or Heavenly Kings) (B-Korean) where Guardians guard the 2nd Stage from those not genuinely interested in following God’s Spirit of Unconditional Love within thus from Buddha’s/Jesus’ teachings to evil spirits. Don’t give your pearls (truths) to pigs said Jesus. In other words, trust only your spirit in you to discover your own truths. This is the only way you will become authentic.
Gate 3 = Buli-mun (Gate of Non-duality) or Haetal-mun (Gate of Deliverance) (B-Korean) = Gate of Oneness, Perfectedness, Wholeness, Completion, Absolute Confidence (C) = Gate of authentic-self or just Self (P).
The Path through the 3rd Stage is the Great Buddha Hall (B). See my painting of Gate 3 (a.k.a., Door 3) (C) entrance to the 3rd Stage and Great Buddha Hall.
There are 12 Harbors or Stops or Unions or Cranial Nerve Roots Nuclei (N) along the River or path or Vine/Trunk or where the streams or branches (Parasympathetic and Sensory ganglia or cell bodies of neurons) meet emerging from the Central Nervous System = Yogas (a.k.a., Churches). Some of the Hindu Orifices are of the the Sensory. The amount of churches with congregations continue to decrease as you go further along the River. The 1st Stage has the churches you see on the outside of you made up of the vast majority of humans. The 2nd Stage has a unique church within each person made up of you (self) and your spirit (esteem). When you get to the 3rd Stage, it is you who become your own unique and authentic single church transformed into one single Self by your marriage to your spirit and your spirit marriage to you. Now you know that the churches with the greatest numbers are the least mature of the churches; though they believe they are the leading church because of their great numbers.
Harbors/Stops/Unions #1 through #6 of the 1st Stage are the JÑĀNA Yogas (Churches).
Harbor/Stop/Union #7 of the 2nd Stage is the Karma Yoga (Church).
Harbors/Stops/Unions #8 and #9 of the 2nd Stage are the Bhakti Yogas (Churches).
Pursuit on the River or Path is Purusārtha.
I disect and translate the following from in terms of the model:
Patanjali defines the word “yoga” in his second sutra:
(yogaś citta-vṛtti-nirodhaḥ)
– Yoga Sutras 1.2
1 “This terse definition hinges on the meaning of three Sanskrit terms. I. K. Taimni translates it as ‘Yoga is the inhibition (nirodhaḥ) of the modifications (vṛtti) of the mind (citta)’. Swami Vivekananda translates the sutra as ‘Yoga is restraining the mind-stuff (Citta) from taking various forms (Vrittis).’ Edwin Bryant explains that, to Patanjali, ‘Yoga essentially consists of meditative practices culminating in attaining a state of consciousness free from all modes of active or discursive thought, and of eventually attaining a state where consciousness is unaware of any object external to itself, that is, is only aware of its own nature as consciousness unmixed with any other object.'” In other words, one must focus on a spirit that one believes is the only truth where everything else around it is untruth. This is the 4th harbor of Commit.
2 “If the meaning of yoga is understood as the practice of nirodha (mental control), then its goal is ‘the unqualified state of niruddha (the perfection of that process)’, according to Baba Hari Dass. In that context, ‘yoga (union) implies duality (as in joining of two things or principles); the result of yoga is the nondual state’, and ‘as the union of the lower self and higher Self. The nondual state is characterized by the absence of individuality; it can be described as eternal peace, pure love, Self-realization, or liberation.'” As explained above, each yoga (harbor or union or yoke) brings the duality of the self (small s), which is the same as the individual in definitions above, and spirit (esteem) closer together until you have the ultimate self-esteem Union known as realization of Self (capital S) in the 10th harbor of Complete in the 3rd Stage of True or Pure (Unconditional) Love and Highest Power known as God (where the two are one meaning conjoined, married, or in Greek perfected), and thus, the individual becomes a non-individual. So in a sense, the 10th harbor is the Yoga (capital Y) that is the culmination of all the preceding yogas (small y). This is the same principle in analytical psychology and ancient and modern philosophy. Like the city of Babel in building to tower, everyone is saying the same thing just in a different language. When one walks the middle way or healthy path or flows along the River, the different languages converge into a single language, which is what the model and this website does. The 11th harbor of Deliver is to liberate (give life to) others without the ego (individual) that, in the selfless act of letting go in the 12th harbor of Let Go, results in Peace at the end of Let Go, which is also the end of one’s journey. One can say that Let Go is part of Deliver and the 12th harbor is Peace. Either way, the journey ends in Peace. However, the definitions of yoga above indicate only the mind’s will to become complete, but the mind’s will of the 1st Stage is too weak to sustain the pure love of the 3rd Stage. So you must have a 2nd Stage link between the two. This is where the spirit comes in. You cannot reach the 3rd Stage unless you follow and obey the spirit through the 2nd Stage. And this is what Jesus was saying when he said that nobody finds the Father except through spirit Jesus, which is the same as the spirit of truth or unconditional love within you. And even if you could without the spirit, it would only be a glimpse in time. You could not sustain it. An entire lifetime of practice to only glimpse the third heaven of pure love is actually very sad, and I believe would make someone quite depressed afterward like for those who have had a conscious near-death experience.
Each person in the Kingdom is a Sect or Section or Branch or Church. The Figure above shows only one branching off from a union, but that is only because the amount of people from billions of strands at each harbor cannot be shown without going so deeply with a microscope. So from above, it only looks like a single thick strand or stream of consciousness.
Pertaining to Cranial Nerve Roots (N), I believe the neurons in each somehow correspond to each Harbor via the following abstract from
Neurons with Access to the General Circulation in the Central Nervous System of the Rat: A Retrograde Tracing Study with Fluoro-Gold.
I Merchenthaler1
- PMID: 1721686
- DOI: 10.1016/0306-4522(91)90085-3
“Central nervous system neurons which have access to the general circulation were identified by injecting the retrograde tracer Fluoro-Gold peripherally. Fluoro-Gold does not penetrate the blood-brain barrier but is taken up by nerve terminals which project to areas supplied by fenestrated capillaries or to the periphery. Fluoro-Gold-accumulating neurons were present in the following regions or cell groups of the central nervous system: diagonal band of Broca; medial preoptic area; organum vasculosum of the lamina terminalis; subfornical organ; anterior periventricular area; paraventricular nucleus; arcuate nucleus; accessory magnocellular nuclei of the hypothalamus; motor neurons of cranial nerves III-VII, and IX-XII in the brainstem and spinal cord; autonomic ganglionic cells of cranial nerve III (Westphal-Edinger nucleus) in the mesencephalon and the intermediolateral column of the spinal cord; sensory ganglia of the cranial nerve V (mesencephalic trigeminal nucleus); and the C1-C2 and A2 adrenergic cell groups in the medulla. In addition, Fluoro-Gold-accumulating neurons were seen in the sensory ganglia of cranial and spinal nerves. Retrograde labeling with Fluoro-Gold can be combined with immunocytochemistry to identify the chemical messengers within Fluoro-Gold-labeled perikarya. Although a large number of neurons are labeled in the central nervous system with Fluoro-Gold when it is administered peripherally, this technique in combination with immunocytochemistry can be a powerful tool to identify selected neuronal systems in the central nervous system.”
The Aim in the World (a.k.a., World Order) in the 1st Stage of Childhood on the River looking sideways is Artha.
The Aim of Understanding (Knowledge) in the 1st Stage of Childhood on the River looking forward is Dharma.
The Aim of Acceptance (a.k.a., Accepting oneself human with human needs) in the 2nd Stage of Adolescence on the River looking forward is Kama.
The Aim of Deliverance (a.ka., Life or Giving Life) in the 3rd Stage of Adulthood (a.k.a., Authenticity) is Moksha.
It is my belief that wherever you stop on the River before death, you start up again there after death. This continues until you achieve Moksha. Thus, it could take hundreds if not thousands of lifetimes to achieve Moksha if you are not willing to advance on the River each time you are born on it. And yet, for some, it only takes one lifetime. Once you achieve Moksha (Completion, Perfection, Congruency, Integration), you no longer continue the samsara. You enter into Nirvana-with-a-Remainder (a.k.a., Heaven-on-Earth) to become a Deliverer (Teacher, Truth-teller) and then into Nirvana (Blissful Heaven) when you die. This is fair and just. Everyone must enter through the door and take the course (narrow path). No one can cheat spiritual maturation by going on ahead or by going around. Each harbor must be visited in sequence or it doesn’t work.
Truth = Ability to See = Lifting the Plank from one’s eyes or having only a little dust remaining
Trinity = I Am = Me (capital M) = Self (capital s) + Unconditional Love (God) = self (small s) + non-self + love = self + Spirit’s spirit within + God (in unconditional Love) as one in unity (indivisible).
The nine consciousness in Buddhism are within the three heavens. One through Eight Consciousness within the First and Second Heavens, and The Ninth Consciousness is the Third Heaven (called as such in the New Testament), also known as the “In Love With” Heaven.
The harbors of the First Heaven is where Jesus went to India to understand spirit (to understand who he is) from the mind. Understand is the 5th Harbor. Deciding to follow this spirit within by being baptized by John the Baptist was Jesus’ 6th Harbor. Facing his demons (greatest fear) in the desert alone with his spirit was Jesus’ 7th Harbor. And accepting God’s spirit within as truthful to its word was Jesus’ 8th Harbor. It was only in the 10th Harbor of Complete (Marry, Become One) that Jesus found his truth by becoming one with his spirit in God (the highest form of Love). It was in the 11th Harbor that Jesus gave life to others in his own and unique way, which is the meaning of the Harbor of Deliver; to Give Life to; to help those who suffer to find a greater happiness through your own sufferance. Only can a Self (person + spirit) through an involuntary letting go (climax or pinnacle of ultimate fulfillment (joy, bliss)) after having given life become a Trinity (person + spirit + God) reaching the unconscious (Holy of holies). This is the 12th Harbor. Jesus’ way was to die physically to self. The point is to die to self (i.e., let go of your ego). Allowing yourself to do so while living delivers you to Heaven-on-Earth because you retain even the faintest part of ego. Dying or the willingness to die for another in absolute selflessness (unconditional love) without thinking or hesitation delivers you to Heaven (into the Full Essence of God’s Delight). Because of Jesus’ death, you too can become such a trinity, but in your own unique way. In other words, dying to become a trinity is just the opposite of selfless and is fruitless.
How the Model Corresponds to Churches (Organized Religion)
Hell in the figure above is viewing life in the vertical direction in the 1sr Stage where you are trained to believe God is above and Hell below. Viewing life this way is a Living Hell because living in this perspective is insane. Not that you are insane; just that viewing it this way makes you live life in the world of others’ insanity, which is someone else’s religion or religious thinking rather than your own self. There are as many possible religions as there are people in life. The higher and lower you are away from the middle (healthy) path, the more insane you become. At the top of the ladder are the near-insane if not insane dark empaths and dark triad (grandiose narcissists, machiavellians, and psychopaths that may even be able to mimic empathy). These are the “highest” rulers of the vast majority of organized religions, governments, and corporate institutions. If you feel oppressed, it is because you are being oppressed. Don’t let anyone gaslight you. You’re not crazy. You are the one actually sane and trying to live in some semblance of reality or truth.
At the bottom of the ladder are the psychotically depressed. These are those who have been beaten down so much that they are so depressed that they can’t function anymore in the world to the point of psychosis. Organized religions tell you that suicide is a sin, and at the same time, it is them who are driving people to suicide. This is Hell.
The insanity of it all is that those that are oppressed genuinely believe that if they fight hard enough, they will one day be seen as equal in the narcissists’ eyes. This hasn’t worked since the time of religion. Do you really believe it will work now? No. Keeping this insane construct is insanity in itself. Instead, the 99.9 % of all people who view life vertically (unhealthily) must reorient themselves in the horizontal (healthy) path of faith where there cannot be anyone higher or lower than anyone else. Those who view life vertically have no true sense of connection with their spirit within them primarily because their religion will not allow them. Only the highest leader has that privilege. This vertical hierarchal way is the path of church or organized religion, not of faith/true love/self.
The way you overcome this world, this living hell, is by going back to the beginning of the healthy path, what some may call being reborn and taking that journey. Some may say they have been reborn, and they have, but they got caught up in organized religion again and didn’t get very far in their healthy development. They still view life vertically instead of horizontally.
In my direct experience, the Catholic Church is borderline insane. Only because they believe, they are just inside the Kingdom; in other words, just sane. Really, the Catholic Church never had a chance because Constantine was also borderline insane, where perhaps earlier, he was actually insane. Constantine made himself Holy Roman Emperor, and because of never going against what a pope deems, the Catholic Church will always remain this way. The dogmas of transubstantiation and actually believing the wine you are drinking is actually Jesus’ blood and the bread you are eating at communion is actually Jesus’ flesh is an example of such borderline insanity. Having 1500 years to mature, their dogmas prevent them from doing so.
In my experience, the Fundamental Mainstream Christian Churches stemming from Martin Luther, are also in the 1st Stage of Childhood by taking things so literal. Also in their lifetime, they yet to see and still retain many of the rites and dogmas of the Catholic Church like making congregations recite the Nicene Creed, which was created by Constantine in the gathering at Nicene.
I have no experience in the other churches or religions, only to say that they too are in the Childhood Stage if they take the Bible literally and deem it complete, where even Jesus said that when the Spirit comes, it will bring each of you all Truth if you follow it. No Christian Church I know allows you to follow your own spirit but only their interpretation of the Bible and Jesus’ words. These churches are, thus narcissistic, and will gaslight you if you remain meek (weak) minded.
In my experience, there are as many possible Christian religions as there are people on Earth. Those who follow a difference church than their own, have deep down deemed themselves ingenuine or unworthy to be their authentic selves. They hide behind their masks or the mask of the church.
How the Model Corresponds to Business (Corporations and World Economy)
If corporations would structure themselves according to the horizontal (healthy) path rather than the vertical (unhealthy) path then promotion would not be dependent solely on the knowledge that employees have but on the maturity of the people.
Remember that when people get to the harbor or station of Devotion in the 2nd Stage, they experience long term sufferance (patient endurance) practiced over and over again in different scenarios or aspects of life in organizations (see My Process below). This means that for each scenario they go to the beginning of the road in the 1st stage through each harbor up to Devotion. This ends when those who lead from the 3rd Stage see that the people are ready to unite (become intimate) with those who are part of the organization.
Remember in the 3rd Stage that the harbor that is Deliverance is all about people’s desire to Give Life (Love; or enhance people’s lives) whenever and wherever possible. Isn’t this what everyone wants for themselves and others? In a sense, it is helping others help themselves in maturing within the organization. This also why people should only become parents (family leaders) in the 3rd Stage. Note that in the 3rd Stage, people are no longer male or female but complete with the conjoining of masculine (1st Stage knowledge) and feminine (2nd Stage wisdom) qualities. They are, in a sense, androgynous and only known by their name in their Self (true or authentic self) of who they are.
Note also that the horizontal path is open to everyone. Being horizontal, by definition, everyone is on a level playing field. There is an attraction from those in the 3rd Stage who honestly and truly want others to succeed because they love others. This is opposite to the hierarchal and patriarchal or matriarchal system in the world today where really those at the top deceptively do not want others to succeed too far up the ladder because they enslave those beneath them to support (feed or fuel them) like a base of a pyramid to keep them safe and warm, which is an illusion in itself. They allow others to climb the ladder only because if they aren’t sensing getting closer to success they will dive into a depression and no longer be able to fuel these deceivers. This is also the condition of an Economic Depression. So now you know why this way of life is insane.
When enough people choose the horizontal path, those at the top of the ladder in the vertical path will topple to the ground because they are truly the weakest in sustaining themselves. Yes there will be great battles between those on the horizontal path and those who are far up the ladder. This will be done when enough people start entering the 2nd Stage and is why the 2nd Stage is known as Adolescence. But those at the top of the ladder are no match for those in the 3rd Stage because those in the 3rd Stage have the wisdom that those at the top of ladder do not possess simply because they are too fearful to take the leap of faith into the 2nd Stage. This is why good will always prevail against evil. Evil may appear to win some battles, but it is impossible for them to win the apocalyptic war. Just to say that this 1st, 2nd, and 3rd Stage way is the divided structure of the Book of Revelation. It is opposite in the hierarchy perspective or illusion of the 1st Stage where those at the top will allow people below them to win some battles to keep their hopes alive but the people below will never win the war if for no other reason but they do not have the money to acquire the necessary resources for living nor the money to acquire cognitive (mental) therapy. In the vertical structure, cognitive therapy will never be free and Dialectical Behavioral Therapy (DBT) will never seriously be recognized because most of it is in the 2nd Stage, such as Radical Acceptance that is the eighth harbor of Accept.
The Process of the Model
Each harbor you come to for the first time is known as a Primary Harbor. Having your focus on the name of that harbor, you go inside that land and travel to the names of the harbors before it now known as Places. For instance, if you reached the Harbor of Understand for the first time, then Understand would be your Primary Harbor for you to focus on. Then you would go visit the places of Believe (in the spirit), Ask (the spirit to come), Receive (the spirit by seeing its form clearly in your imagination), Commit (or Confess by telling the spirit that you need to understand), and then the main City of Understand (by having learned from what the spirit has told you). After you’re done, you would then venture on the River to the next harbor known as Decide, which would be your Primary Harbor to focus on, and so forth.
Note that at the Harbor of Complete, You will be who You are. And at the Harbor of Deliver (a.k.a., Share), you will begin to deliver you (i.e., all your knowledge, the wisdom of your spirit, and love or your Father which is the same as your complete self) with others. And that is when you will be the complete or entire or all of You and forever more be known as You who is the real and true you–the Truth–the culmination of the knowledge of you, the wisdom of your spirit, and the love of your Father as one complete Self known as You. And once you Understand that you are now the culmination of your Father, you, and your spirit in one, you will let go of who you were and leave behind–that is, be indifferent to–the people of the world who are ignorant and indignant and their ignorant and indignant ways, and you will accept the new You as absolute. On that day, you will begin to be the Devoted You to Delivering You to those with little dust in their eyes from within Your Heaven-on-Earth until You complete Your time with them on Earth. Then You will be Delivered to Heaven Itself.
How the Model Correlates to Government
If you read the following webpage,,French%20National%20Assembly%20met%20for%20drafting%20the%20Constitution.
you will realize the story of right-wing and left-wing and centrist (moderate) politics. Notice that if the figure was turned or rotated up 90 degrees, you would see this from the point of view of Freedom along the centrist (middle) line. I had a feeling it would. Now rotate the figure 90 degrees to the left. Notice right-wing is on top and left-wing is on the bottom. This is the vertical view of the world in the way of insanity. Never do you get any closer to Freedom, which is the true definition of insanity. The far right are the Dark Triad and Dark Empaths. Now way back when the political parties of today actual swapped roles. So no matter what, this swapping roles will continue over time, and yet nobody ever gets closer to true Freedom. This Freedom is the same as the 11th harbor of Deliverance in the 3rd Stage, meaning to deliver or give life to others and then Let Go which is the 12 harbor that ends in Peace at the far end of the journey.
So is the Centrist view the healthy way? It is only healthy if those who are centrist are not looking left or right but forward towards Freedom and then actually proceed forward. Otherwise, they too are of the world. Many of the United States forefathers were centrists looking forward toward Freedom but never proceeded towards it. Everything that people start directed towards true freedom is noble, but unless they have the courage like Jesus to proceed forward, it stalls in its ideal. Only a very few have that kind of courage. As long as religious people see God above and Hell below from the viewpoint of a vertical world, government and religion should never mix because what you get are superegos. And although church and state may be separated, government will always have religious type views in it, just not religious extremism until now. There are very dark days ahead unless people have the courage to reach the center, turn toward Freedom, and then proceed towards it venturing on the healthy path.
And is this indeed happening now with more and more people leaving church and more and more people getting therapy? Have they been listening and following their own spirit of unconditional love in them? Are the far right getting so fearful that people are becoming more and more truly free that they are pulling tight the strings that bind them? If so, the war will only get worse until one day the far right will collapse because each will fall in the deepest depths of Hell as more and more people venture into the 2nd Stage. In other words, they will enter into psychotic depression. Sounds a lot like the Book of Revelation because it pretty much is. Unfortunately the worst is yet to come. The true war between good and evil has only started. Battles for the Adolescent will be won on both sides, but again good will eventually prevail because evil does not have the wisdom and nor do those in the 3rd Stage fear death because they know their spirit will remain in others along with the wisdom that comes with it.
How the Model Correlates to Atheism
Atheism is the disbelief in a God. In the 1st Stage, atheism is a view still in the vertical perspective or world view because it is seen as going against the notion of a religious God, i.e., the God above. But when viewed horizontally along the River’s direction of flow, the religious (letter of) God is seen as the Spirit of God, which is True Love. In this perspective, nobody on the path or river of True Love is an atheist. And now, even the atheist, can be fulfilled within. This is why taking the stories of the Bible literally keeps the person forever in make-believe or the world view (Hell-on-Earth) in the 1st Stage. And taking the stories of the Bible in the spirit of which they were intended enables a person to develop through the three stages in the way we were intended.